Commit d31d5436 authored by Mitchell Hashimoto's avatar Mitchell Hashimoto

builder/virtualbox: Suppress some messages

parent 99af93f8
package virtualbox
import (
const BuilderId = "mitchellh.virtualbox"
type Builder struct {
config config
driver Driver
runner multistep.Runner
......@@ -18,16 +21,63 @@ type config struct {
func (b *Builder) Prepare(raw interface{}) error {
var err error
if err := mapstructure.Decode(raw, &b.config); err != nil {
return err
if b.config.OutputDir == "" {
b.config.OutputDir = "virtualbox"
errs := make([]error, 0)
b.driver, err = b.newDriver()
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Failed creating VirtualBox driver: %s", err))
if len(errs) > 0 {
return &packer.MultiError{errs}
return nil
func (b *Builder) Run(ui packer.Ui, hook packer.Hook, cache packer.Cache) packer.Artifact {
steps := []multistep.Step{
// Setup the state bag
state := make(map[string]interface{})
state["cache"] = cache
state["config"] = &b.config
state["driver"] = b.driver
state["hook"] = hook
state["ui"] = ui
// Run
b.runner = &multistep.BasicRunner{Steps: steps}
return nil
func (b *Builder) Cancel() {
if b.runner != nil {
log.Println("Cancelling the step runner...")
func (b *Builder) newDriver() (Driver, error) {
vboxmanagePath := "VBoxManage"
driver := &VBox42Driver{vboxmanagePath}
if err := driver.Verify(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return driver, nil
package virtualbox
import (
// A driver is able to talk to VirtualBox and perform certain
// operations with it.
type Driver interface {
// SuppressMessages should do what needs to be done in order to
// suppress any annoying popups from VirtualBox.
SuppressMessages() error
// Verify checks to make sure that this driver should function
// properly. If there is any indication the driver can't function,
// this will return an error.
Verify() error
type VBox42Driver struct {
// This is the path to the "VBoxManage" application.
VBoxManagePath string
func (d *VBox42Driver) SuppressMessages() error {
extraData := map[string]string{
"GUI/RegistrationData": "triesLeft=0",
"GUI/SuppressMessages": "confirmInputCapture,remindAboutAutoCapture,remindAboutMouseIntegrationOff,remindAboutMouseIntegrationOn,remindAboutWrongColorDepth",
for k, v := range extraData {
if err := d.vboxmanage("setextradata", "global", k, v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *VBox42Driver) Verify() error {
return nil
func (d *VBox42Driver) vboxmanage(args ...string) error {
log.Printf("Executing VBoxManage: %#v", args)
cmd := exec.Command(d.VBoxManagePath, args...)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
package virtualbox
import (
type stepPrepareOutputDir struct{}
func (stepPrepareOutputDir) Run(state map[string]interface{}) multistep.StepAction {
config := state["config"].(*config)
if err := os.MkdirAll(config.OutputDir, 0755); err != nil {
return multistep.ActionHalt
return multistep.ActionContinue
func (stepPrepareOutputDir) Cleanup(map[string]interface{}) {}
package virtualbox
import (
// This step sets some variables in VirtualBox so that annoying
// pop-up messages don't exist.
type stepSuppressMessages struct{}
func (stepSuppressMessages) Run(state map[string]interface{}) multistep.StepAction {
driver := state["driver"].(Driver)
ui := state["ui"].(packer.Ui)
log.Println("Suppressing annoying messages in VirtualBox")
if err := driver.SuppressMessages(); err != nil {
ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error configuring VirtualBox to suppress messages: %s", err))
return multistep.ActionHalt
return multistep.ActionContinue
func (stepSuppressMessages) Cleanup(map[string]interface{}) {}
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