Commit 37fffdaa authored by Nicolas Wavrant's avatar Nicolas Wavrant
Browse files

helloworld: logrotate and cron added

parent 2cda6fc7
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Now we are going how to add new parts, using new recipes
# Adding a binary to this software : logrotate
......@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ parts =
# Don't forget to include the new part ! It will also call [template-get] in software.cfg
# Define egg directories to be the one from Software Release
# (/opt/slapgrid/...)
......@@ -56,9 +60,11 @@ configuration.title =
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
home = $${buildout:directory}
etc = $${:home}/etc
bin = $${:home}/bin
var = $${:home}/var
srv = $${:home}/srv
# Creation of the folder wich will contain the jinja template
data-fold = $${:home}/srv/data
data-fold = $${:srv}/data
# Executables put here will be started but not monitored (for startup scripts)
script = $${:etc}/run/
# Executables put here will be started and monitored (for daemons)
......@@ -68,6 +74,69 @@ service = $${:etc}/service
promise = $${:etc}/promise/
# Path of the log directory used by our service (see [hello-world])
log = $${:var}/log
# Cron directories
cron-entries = $${:etc}/cron.d
crontabs = $${:etc}/crontabs
cronstamps = $${:etc}/cronstamps
# Logrotate directories
backup = $${:srv}/backup
logrotate-backup = $${:backup}/logrotate
logrotate-entries = $${:etc}/logrotate.d
# Deploy cron
recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron
dcrond-binary = ${dcron:location}/sbin/crond
cron-entries = $${directory:cron-entries}
crontabs = $${directory:crontabs}
cronstamps = $${directory:cronstamps}
catcher = $${cron-simplelogger:wrapper}
binary = $${directory:service}/crond
recipe = slapos.cookbook:simplelogger
wrapper = $${directory:bin}/cron_simplelogger
log = $${directory:log}/cron.log
<= cron
recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
name = logrotate
frequency = 0 * * * *
# Now that the cron is set up, we can define
# the command to launch every XX
command = $${logrotate:wrapper}
# Deploy Logrotate
# To know more about which arguments are necessary,
# and why they are used for, you should read the recipe,
# in ../../slapos/recipe/
recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate
# Binaries
logrotate-binary = ${logrotate:location}/usr/sbin/logrotate
gzip-binary = ${gzip:location}/bin/gzip
gunzip-binary = ${gzip:location}/bin/gunzip
# Directories
wrapper = $${directory:bin}/logrotate
conf = $${directory:etc}/logrotate.conf
# in this folder will be defined tho files to save, and how to save them
logrotate-entries = $${directory:logrotate-entries}
# in this folder the logs will be compressed then saved
backup = $${directory:logrotate-backup}
state-file = $${directory:srv}/logrotate.status
<= logrotate
recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
name = helloworld-logrotate
log = $${directory:log}/log.log
frequency = daily
rotatep-num = 30
sharedscripts = true
notifempty = true
create = true
# It is now time for Jinja !
......@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ extends =
# In this example we only need the dash binary to run a simple "hello world"
# shell script.
# Add the logrotate service
parts =
# Call installation of slapos.cookbook egg defined in stack/slapos.cfg (needed
......@@ -17,6 +21,10 @@ parts =
# Call creation of instance.cfg file that will be called for deployment of
# instance
# Deployment of the new components. Their buildout section can be found
# in ../../component/~~
# Download (buildout profile used to deployment of instance),
# replace all ${foo:bar} parameters by real values, and change $${foo:bar} to
{%if title %}
{% if title %}
{{ title }}
{% endif %}
Hello {{name}}
\ No newline at end of file
Hello {{ name }}
\ No newline at end of file
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