Commit 39e0cbbb authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent a1e2414a
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ type MountOptions struct {
EnableLocks bool
// If set, ask kernel not to do automatic data cache invalidation.
// The filesystem is fully reponsible for invalidating data cache.
// The filesystem is fully responsible for invalidating data cache.
PreciseDataCacheControl bool
......@@ -8,18 +8,22 @@ import (
// MountRoot mounts a filesystem with the given root node on the given directory.
// Mount mounts a filesystem with the given root node on the given directory.
// Convenience wrapper around fuse.NewServer
func MountRoot(mountpoint string, root Node, opts *Options) (*fuse.Server, *FileSystemConnector, error) {
conn := NewFileSystemConnector(root, opts)
mountOpts := fuse.MountOptions{}
if opts != nil && opts.Debug {
mountOpts.Debug = opts.Debug
s, err := fuse.NewServer(conn.RawFS(), mountpoint, &mountOpts)
func Mount(mountpoint string, root Node, mountOptions *fuse.MountOptions, nodefsOptions *Options) (*fuse.Server, *FileSystemConnector, error) {
conn := NewFileSystemConnector(root, nodefsOptions)
s, err := fuse.NewServer(conn.RawFS(), mountpoint, mountOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return s, conn, nil
// MountRoot is like Mount but uses default fuse mount options.
func MountRoot(mountpoint string, root Node, opts *Options) (*fuse.Server, *FileSystemConnector, error) {
mountOpts := &fuse.MountOptions{}
if opts != nil && opts.Debug {
mountOpts.Debug = opts.Debug
return Mount(mountpoint, root, mountOpts, opts)
......@@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ func doInit(server *Server, req *request) {
dataCacheMode := input.Flags & CAP_AUTO_INVAL_DATA
if server.opts.PreciseDataCacheControl {
// we don't want CAP_AUTO_INVAL_DATA even if we cannot go into fully precise mode
dataCacheMode = 0
precise := input.Flags & CAP_PRECISE_INVAL_DATA
if precise != 0 {
dataCacheMode = precise
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ var (
releaseFlagNames = map[int64]string{
......@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ package test
import (
......@@ -44,9 +46,17 @@ func setupCacheTest(t *testing.T) (string, *pathfs.PathNodeFs, func()) {
pfs := pathfs.NewPathNodeFs(fs, &pathfs.PathNodeFsOptions{Debug: testutil.VerboseTest()})
mntOpts := &fuse.MountOptions{
// ask kernel not to invalidate file data automatically
PreciseDataCacheControl: true,
Debug: testutil.VerboseTest(),
opts := nodefs.NewOptions()
opts.AttrTimeout = 10*time.Millisecond
opts.Debug = testutil.VerboseTest()
state, _, err := nodefs.MountRoot(dir+"/mnt", pfs.Root(), opts)
state, _, err := nodefs.Mount(dir+"/mnt", pfs.Root(), mntOpts, opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("MountNodeFileSystem failed: %v", err)
......@@ -67,34 +77,68 @@ func TestFopenKeepCache(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("FOPEN_KEEP_CACHE is broken on Darwin.")
// Failing on 4.20.5-200.fc29.x86_64.
// reported as
t.Skip("started failing on linux")
wd, pathfs, clean := setupCacheTest(t)
defer clean()
// x{read,write}File reads/writes file@path and fail on error
xreadFile := func(path string) string {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return string(data)
xwriteFile := func(path, data string) {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(data), 0644); err != nil {
// xstat stats path and fails on error
xstat := func(path string) os.FileInfo {
st, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return st
// XXX Linux FUSE client automatically invalidates cache of a file if it sees size change.
// As workaround we keep len(before) == len(after) to avoid that codepath.
// See for details.
// TODO use len(before) != len(after) if kernel supports precise control over data cache.
before := "before"
after := "after"
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(wd+"/orig/file.txt", []byte(before), 0644); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteFile failed: %v", err)
after := "afterX"
if len(before) != len(after) {
panic("len(before) != len(after)")
c, err := ioutil.ReadFile(wd + "/mnt/file.txt")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err)
} else if string(c) != before {
xwriteFile(wd+"/orig/file.txt", before)
mtimeBefore := xstat(wd + "/orig/file.txt").ModTime()
c := xreadFile(wd + "/mnt/file.txt")
if c != before {
t.Fatalf("ReadFile: got %q, want %q", c, before)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(wd+"/orig/file.txt", []byte(after), 0644); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteFile: %v", err)
// sleep a bit to make sure mtime of file for before and after are different
xwriteFile(wd+"/orig/file.txt", after)
mtimeAfter := xstat(wd + "/orig/file.txt").ModTime()
if δ := mtimeAfter.Sub(mtimeBefore); δ == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("mtime(orig/before) == mtime(orig/after)"))
c, err = ioutil.ReadFile(wd + "/mnt/file.txt")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err)
} else if string(c) != before {
// sleep enough time for file attributes to expire; restat the file after.
// this forces kernel client to relookup/regetattr the file and reread the attributes.
// this way we make sure the kernel knows updated size/mtime before we
// try to read the file next time.
_ = xstat(wd + "/mnt/file.txt")
c = xreadFile(wd + "/mnt/file.txt")
if c != before {
t.Fatalf("ReadFile: got %q, want cached %q", c, before)
......@@ -107,10 +151,8 @@ func TestFopenKeepCache(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("EntryNotify: %v", code)
c, err = ioutil.ReadFile(wd + "/mnt/file.txt")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err)
} else if string(c) != after {
c = xreadFile(wd + "/mnt/file.txt")
if c != after {
t.Fatalf("ReadFile: got %q after notify, want %q", c, after)
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