Commit 4f38a2d6 authored by Levin Zimmermann's avatar Levin Zimmermann


parent cd5dcdb5
......@@ -246,7 +246,17 @@ func NewServer(fs RawFileSystem, mountPoint string, opts *MountOptions) (*Server
func escapeComma(optionValue string) string {
return strings.Replace(optionValue, ",", "//", -1)
// What happens if the user already escaped the comma?
// (with something like fsname=my//,escapedoption)
// maybe
// strings.Replace(strings.Replace(optionValue, "//,", ",", -1), ",", "//,", -1)
// ?
// or should we simply accept this?
return strings.Replace(optionValue, ",", "//,", -1)
func (o *MountOptions) optionsStrings() []string {
......@@ -274,8 +284,6 @@ func (o *MountOptions) optionsStrings() []string {
// Commas in an option need to be escaped, because
// options are separated by a comma.
var rEscaped []string
bool escape_ok = begins_with(s, fsname_str) ||
begins_with(s, subtype_str);
for _, s := range r {
rEscaped = append(rEscaped, escapeComma(s))
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