Commit 2c0345b9 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent e02a2e7f
......@@ -82,15 +82,14 @@ type NodeTable struct {
// Node represents a node entry in NodeTable
// XXX naming -> NodeEntry?
type Node struct {
NodeInfo // XXX good idea to embed ?
Link *NodeLink // link to this node; =nil if not connected XXX do we need it here ?
// XXX identified or not ?
// XXX -> not needed - we only add something to nodetab after identification
// XXX ^^^ is about master. How about e.g. Client that received nodetab
// entry and wants to talk to that node?
// link to this node; =nil if not connected
Link *NodeLink
// XXX something indicating in-flight connecti/identification
// (wish Link != nil means connected and identified)
......@@ -136,6 +135,12 @@ func (nt *NodeTable) GetByLink(link *NodeLink) *Node {
return nil
// XXX doc
func (nt *NodeTable) SetNodeState(node *Node, state neo.NodeState) {
node.NodeState = state
// UpdateLinkDown updates information about corresponding to link node and marks it as down
// it returns corresponding node entry for convenience
// XXX is this a good idea ?
......@@ -146,9 +151,7 @@ func (nt *NodeTable) UpdateLinkDown(link *NodeLink) *Node {
panic("nodetab: UpdateLinkDown: no corresponding entry")
node.NodeState = DOWN
nt.SetNodeState(node, DOWN)
return node
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ type nodeCome struct {
// event: node disconnects
type nodeLeave struct {
link *neo.NodeLink // XXX better use uuid allocated on nodeCome
node *neo.Node
// NewMaster creates new master node that will listen on serveAddr.
......@@ -241,6 +241,14 @@ func (m *Master) runMain(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
// - monitor whether partition table becomes operational wrt currently up nodeset
// - if yes - finish recovering upon receiving "start" command XXX or autostart
// storRecovery is result of 1 storage node passing recovery phase
type storRecovery struct {
node *Node
partTab neo.PartitionTable
// XXX + backup_tid, truncate_tid ?
err error
// recovery drives cluster during recovery phase
// when recovery finishes error indicates:
......@@ -255,15 +263,16 @@ func (m *Master) recovery(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer rcancel()
recovery := make(chan storRecovery)
inprogress := sync.WaitGroup{}
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
// start recovery on all storages we are currently in touch with
// XXX close links to clients
for _, stor := range m.nodeTab.StorageList() {
if stor.NodeState > neo.DOWN { // XXX state cmp ok ? XXX or stor.Link != nil ?
go func() {
defer inprogress.Done()
storCtlRecovery(rctx, stor.Link, recovery)
defer wg.Done()
storCtlRecovery(rctx, stor, recovery)
......@@ -273,37 +282,32 @@ loop:
select {
// new connection comes in
case n := <-m.nodeCome:
node, resp, ok := m.accept(n, /* XXX only accept storages -> PENDING */)
node, resp := m.accept(n, /* XXX only accept storages -> PENDING */)
// if new storage arrived - start recovery on it too
go func() {
defer inprogress.Done()
defer wg.Done()
// send identification response
// XXX cancel on ctx
err := n.conn.Send(resp)
if err != nil {
// XXX log
n.conn.Close() // XXX err
if err != nil || !ok {
// XXX must let recovery know it failed to update nodeTab
if ok {
recovery <- storRecovery{err: err}
c.conn.Link().Close() // XXX err
if node == nil {
m.reject(n.conn, resp)
err := welcome(n.conn, resp)
err := m.welcome(n.conn, resp)
if err != nil {
// XXX better m.nodeLeave <- nodeLeave{node, err} ?
// XXX move this m.nodeLeave <- to welcome() ?
recovery <- storRecovery{node: node, err: err}
// start recovery
storCtlRecovery(rctx, node.Link, recovery)
storCtlRecovery(rctx, node, recovery)
case n := <-m.nodeLeave:
// XXX close n.node.Link ?
m.nodeTab.SetNodeState(n.node, DOWN)
// XXX update something indicating cluster currently can be operational or not ?
// a storage node came through recovery - let's see whether
......@@ -316,7 +320,7 @@ loop:
// XXX log here or in producer?
fmt.Printf("master: %v\n", r.err)
// XXX close stor link / update .nodeTab ?
// XXX close stor link / update .nodeTab
......@@ -366,9 +370,10 @@ loop:
// <-recovery
// }
// wait all workers finish (which should come without delay since it was cancelled)
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
......@@ -376,24 +381,16 @@ loop:
select {
case <-recovery:
case <-done:
return err
return err
// storRecovery is result of a storage node passing recovery phase
type storRecovery struct {
node *Node
partTab neo.PartitionTable
// XXX + backup_tid, truncate_tid ?
err error
// storCtlRecovery drives a storage node during cluster recovering state
// it retrieves various ids and partition table from as stored on the storage
func storCtlRecovery(ctx context.Context, link *neo.NodeLink, res chan storRecovery) {
func storCtlRecovery(ctx context.Context, stor *neo.Node, res chan storRecovery) {
var err error
// XXX where this close link on error should be ?
defer func() {
......@@ -402,7 +399,7 @@ func storCtlRecovery(ctx context.Context, link *neo.NodeLink, res chan storRecov
// XXX on err still provide feedback to storRecovery chan ?
res <- storRecovery{err: err}
res <- storRecovery{node: stor, err: err}
fmt.Printf("master: %v", err)
......@@ -412,9 +409,9 @@ func storCtlRecovery(ctx context.Context, link *neo.NodeLink, res chan storRecov
defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "%s: stor recovery", link)
defer xerr.Contextf(&err, "%s: stor recovery",
conn, err := link.NewConn() // FIXME bad -> not bad
conn, err := // FIXME bad -> not bad
if err != nil {
......@@ -450,7 +447,7 @@ func storCtlRecovery(ctx context.Context, link *neo.NodeLink, res chan storRecov
res <- storRecovery{partTab: pt}
res <- storRecovery{node: stor, partTab: pt}
......@@ -458,11 +455,15 @@ var errStopRequested = errors.New("stop requested")
var errClusterDegraded = errors.New("cluster became non-operatonal")
// Cluster Verification
// --------------------
// Cluster Verification (data recovery)
// ------------------------------------
// - starts with operational partition table
// - tell all storages to perform data verification (TODO) and retrieve last ids
// - saves recovered partition table to all storages
// - asks all storages for partly finished transactions and decides cluster-wide
// which such transactions need to be either finished or rolled back.
// - executes decided finishes and rollbacks on the storages.
// - retrieve last ids from storages along the way.
// - once we are done without loosing too much storages in the process (so that
// partition table is still operational) we are ready to enter servicing state.
......@@ -630,7 +631,8 @@ func storCtlVerify(ctx context.Context, link *neo.NodeLink, res chan storVerify)
// Cluster Running
// ---------------
// - starts with operational parttab and (enough ?) present storage nodes passed verification
// - starts with operational parttab and all present storage nodes consistently
// either finished or rolled-back partly finished transactions
// - monitor storages come & go and if parttab becomes non-operational leave to recovery
// - provide service to clients while we are here
......@@ -659,6 +661,7 @@ loop:
state := m.ClusterState
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
......@@ -689,7 +692,9 @@ loop:
// a storage node came through recovery - if we are still recovering let's see whether
// ptid ↑ and if so we should take partition table from there
case r := <-recovery:
......@@ -759,6 +764,7 @@ loop:
// XXX if m.partTab.OperationalWith(&.nodeTab, RUNNING) -> break (ok)
case n := <-m.nodeLeave:
......@@ -814,9 +820,10 @@ loop:
// accept processes identification request of just connected node and either accepts or declines it.
// if node identification is accepted nodeTab is updated and corresponding node entry is returned
// XXX no need for ok
func (m *Master) accept(n nodeCome) (node *neo.Node, resp neo.Msg, ok bool) {
// If node identification is accepted nodeTab is updated and corresponding node entry is returned.
// Response message is constructed but not send back not to block the caller - it is
// the caller responsibility to send the response to node which requested identification.
func (m *Master) accept(n nodeCome) (node *neo.Node, resp neo.Msg) {
// TODO log node accept/rejected
// XXX also verify ? :
......@@ -824,7 +831,7 @@ func (m *Master) accept(n nodeCome) (node *neo.Node, resp neo.Msg, ok bool) {
// - IdTimestamp ?
if n.idReq.ClusterName != m.node.ClusterName {
return nil, &neo.Error{neo.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "cluster name mismatch"}, false
return nil, &neo.Error{neo.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "cluster name mismatch"}
nodeType := n.idReq.NodeType
......@@ -839,7 +846,7 @@ func (m *Master) accept(n nodeCome) (node *neo.Node, resp neo.Msg, ok bool) {
if node != nil {
// reject - uuid is already occupied by someone else
// XXX check also for down state - it could be the same node reconnecting
return nil, &neo.Error{neo.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "uuid %v already used by another node" /*XXX*/}, false
return nil, &neo.Error{neo.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "uuid %v already used by another node" /*XXX*/}
// XXX accept only certain kind of nodes depending on .clusterState, e.g.
......@@ -879,7 +886,25 @@ func (m *Master) accept(n nodeCome) (node *neo.Node, resp neo.Msg, ok bool) {
node = m.nodeTab.Update(nodeInfo, n.conn.Link()) // NOTE this notifies all nodeTab subscribers
return node, accept, true
return node, accept
// reject sends rejective identification response and closes associated link
func (m *Master) reject(conn *neo.Conn, resp neo.Msg) {
// XXX cancel on ctx?
// XXX log?
err1 := conn.Send(resp)
err2 := conn.Close()
err3 := conn.Link().Close()
log xerr.Merge(err1, err2, err3)
// welcome sends acceptive identification response and closes conn
func (m *Master) welcome(conn *neo.Conn, resp neo.Msg) error {
// XXX cancel on ctx
err1 := conn.Send(resp)
err2 := conn.Close()
return xerr.First(err1, err2)
// allocUUID allocates new node uuid for a node of kind nodeType
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