Commit 89ef6fb8 authored by Levin Zimmermann's avatar Levin Zimmermann

identification: Set possible answers to same msgid

This patch is actually part of NEO MR nexedi/neoppod!20.
In the context of the WWM/wind branch this patch is cherry-picked in order
to accelerate our WC2 real-world testing affords on our WWM/wind clone.
Even if we don't use this patch as an actual solution, it helps here to
early test NEO/go bits of kirr/neo!2.
parent a1f508ac
......@@ -156,5 +156,5 @@ class SecondaryIdentificationHandler(EventHandler):
for node in app.nm.getMasterList()]
primary and known_master_list.index(primary),
known_master_list), msg_id=conn.peer_id)
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