Commit 8a645d9f authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

tweak: do not touch cells of nodes that are intended to be dropped

parent c2c9e99d
......@@ -180,7 +180,8 @@ class PartitionTable(
few readable cells, some cells are instead marked as FEEDING. This is
a preliminary step to drop these nodes, otherwise the partition table
could become non-operational.
- Other nodes must have the same number of cells, off by 1.
In fact, the code touching these cells is disabled (see NOTE below).
- Other nodes must have the same number of non-feeding cells, off by 1.
- When a transaction creates new objects (oids are roughly allocated
sequentially), we expect better performance by maximizing the number
of involved nodes (i.e. parallelizing writes).
......@@ -417,6 +418,22 @@ class PartitionTable(
outdated_list[offset] -= 1
for offset, cell in cell_dict.iteritems():
# NOTE: The following line disables the next 2 lines, which actually
# causes cells in drop_list to be discarded, now or later;
# drop_list could be renamed into ignore_list.
# 1. Deleting data partition per partition is a lot of work, so
# why ask nodes in drop_list to do that when the goal is
# simply to trash the whole underlying database?
# 2. By excluding nodes from a tweak, it becomes possible to have
# parts of the partition table that are tweaked differently.
# This may require to temporarily change the number of
# replicas for the part being tweaked. In the future, this
# number may be specified in the 'tweak' command, to avoid
# race conditions with setUpToDate().
# Overall, a common use case is when importing a ZODB to NEO,
# to keep the initial importing node up until the database is
# split and replicated to the final nodes.
drop_list = {}
for offset, drop_list in drop_list.iteritems():
discard_list[offset] += drop_list
# We have sorted cells to discard in order to first deallocate nodes
......@@ -180,7 +180,9 @@ class TerminalNeoCTL(object):
def tweakPartitionTable(self, params):
Optimize partition table.
No partition will be assigned to specified storage nodes.
No change is done to the specified/down storage nodes and they don't
count as replicas. The purpose of listing nodes is usually to drop
them once the data is replicated to other nodes.
Parameters: [node [...]]
return self.neoctl.tweakPartitionTable(map(self.asNode, params))
......@@ -289,7 +289,9 @@ class MasterPartitionTableTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
self.assertPartitionTable(pt, 'U..|U..|U..|U..|U..|U..|U..')
self.update(pt, self.tweak(pt, sn[:1]))
self.assertPartitionTable(pt, '.U.|..U|.U.|..U|.U.|..U|.U.')
# See note in PartitionTable.tweak() about drop_list.
self.assertPartitionTable(pt, 'UU.|U.U|UU.|U.U|UU.|U.U|UU.')
def test_18_tweakBigPT(self):
seed = repr(time.time())
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