Commit ce93805c authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent db7980a9
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func Running(ctxp *context.Context, name string) func(*error) {
return running(ctxp, name)
// Runningf is Running cousin with formatting support
// Runningf is Running with formatting support.
func Runningf(ctxp *context.Context, format string, argv ...interface{}) func(*error) {
return running(ctxp, fmt.Sprintf(format, argv...))
......@@ -46,17 +46,48 @@ func Runningf(ctxp *context.Context, format string, argv ...interface{}) func(*e
func running(ctxp *context.Context, name string) func(*error) {
ctx := taskctx.Running(*ctxp, name)
*ctxp = ctx
log.Depth(2).Info(ctx, "[") // TODO log -> trace, don't put ":" before "["
traceBegin(3, ctx)
return func(errp *error) {
err := ""
if e := *errp; e != nil {
err = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", e)
log.Depth(1).Info(ctx, "]"+err) // TODO log -> trace, don't put ":" before "]"
traceEnd(2, ctx, *errp) // XXX recheck 2
// NOTE not *ctxp here - as context pointed by ctxp could be
// changed when this deferred function is run
taskctx.ErrContext(errp, ctx)
// RunningNoErrCtx is like Running but does not adjust error return with task prefix.
func RunningNoErrCtx(ctxp *context.Context, name string) func(*error) {
// XXX
// RunningfNoErrCtx is RunningNoErrCtx with formatting support.
func RunningfNoErrCtx(ctxp *context.Context, format string, argv ...interface{}) func(*error) {
// TraceBegin traces beginning of a task.
func TraceBegin(ctx context.Context) {
traceBegin(2, ctx)
// TraceEnd traces end of a task.
func TraceEnd(ctx context.Context, err error) {
traceEnd(2, ctx, err)
func traceBegin(depth int, ctx context.Context) {
log.Depth(depth).Info(ctx, "[") // TODO log -> trace, don't put ":" before "["
func traceEnd(depth int, ctx context.Context, err error) {
e := ""
if err != nil {
e = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", err)
log.Depth(depth).Info(ctx, "]"+e) // TODO log -> trace, don't put ":" before "]"
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ func (t *Task) Name() string { return }
type taskKey struct{}
// Running creates new task and returns new context with that task set to current.
// XXX -> New?
func Running(ctx context.Context, name string) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, taskKey{}, &Task{parent: Current(ctx), name: name})
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import (
......@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ import (
taskctx ""
......@@ -288,14 +290,17 @@ func (c *Client) Sync(ctx context.Context) (head zodb.Tid, err error) {
// Load implements zodb.IStorageDriver.
func (c *Client) Load(ctx context.Context, xid zodb.Xid) (buf *mem.Buf, serial zodb.Tid, err error) {
ctx = taskctx.Runningf(ctx, "%s: zload %s", c.node.MyInfo.NID, xid) // XXX nid locking
if glog.V(2) {
defer func() { task.TraceEnd(ctx, err) }()
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = &zodb.OpError{URL: c.URL(), Op: "load", Args: xid, Err: err}
// defer task.Runningf(&ctx, "%s: zload %s", c.nid, xid)(&err) // XXX enable
// Retrieve storages we might need to access.
storv := make([]*xneo.PeerNode, 0, 1)
err = c.node.WithOperational(ctx, func(mlink *neonet.NodeLink, cs *xneo.ClusterState) error {
......@@ -321,12 +321,13 @@ func (p *PeerNode) ResetLink(ctx context.Context) {
// XXX p.* reading without lock - ok?
// XXX node.MyInfo without lock - ok?
func (p *PeerNode) dial(ctx context.Context) (_ *neonet.NodeLink, err error) {
node := p.nodeTab.localNode
mynid := node.MyInfo.NID // XXX locking
defer task.Runningf(&ctx, "dial %s", p.NID)(&err)
node := p.nodeTab.localNode
reqID := &proto.RequestIdentification{
NodeType: node.MyInfo.Type,
NID: node.MyInfo.NID,
NID: mynid,
Address: node.MyInfo.Addr,
ClusterName: node.ClusterName,
IdTime: node.MyInfo.IdTime, // XXX ok?
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