Commit fa68b9e4 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 0b751f74
// TODO copyright / license
// neostorage - run a storage node of NEO
package main
import (
"../../storage" // XXX rel ok?
// TODO options:
// cluster, masterv, bind ...
func main() {
package pkt
package proto
// TODO .TID -> .Tid etc ?
// XXX license
// filestorage support XXX text
package neo
package storage
type FileStorage struct {
fd int
......@@ -14,17 +14,20 @@ type Xid struct {
const (
INVALID_TID TID = 1<<64 - 1 // 0xffffffffffffffff TODO recheck it is the same
INVALID_OID OID = 0xffffffffffffffff // 1<<64 - 1
ZERO_TID TID = 0 // XXX or simply TID{} ? // XXX -> TID0 ?
ZERO_OID OID = 0 // XXX or simply OID{} ? // XXX -> OID0
INVALID_TID Tid = 1<<64 - 1 // 0xffffffffffffffff TODO recheck it is the same
INVALID_OID Oid = 0xffffffffffffffff // 1<<64 - 1
ZERO_TID Tid = 0 // XXX or simply TID{} ? // XXX -> TID0 ?
ZERO_OID Oid = 0 // XXX or simply OID{} ? // XXX -> OID0
// OID_LEN = 8
// TID_LEN = 8
MAX_TID TID = 0x7fffffffffffffff // SQLite does not accept numbers above 2^63-1 // XXX -> TIDMAX ?
MAX_TID Tid = 0x7fffffffffffffff // SQLite does not accept numbers above 2^63-1 // XXX -> TIDMAX ?
// ----------------------------------------
type TxnStatus byte
// TODO Tid.String(), Oid.String() +verbose, scanning (?)
......@@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ type TxnStatus byte
// Information about single storage transaction
// XXX -> storage.ITransactionInformation
//type IStorageTransactionInformation interface {
type IStorageTransactionInformation struct {
type StorageTransactionInformation struct {
Tid Tid
Status TxnStatus
User []byte
......@@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ type IStorageTransactionInformation struct {
Extension []byte
// TODO iter -> IStorageRecordInformation
Iter() IStorageRecordIterator
Iter IStorageRecordIterator
// Information about single storage record
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