Commit 3b241983 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

Port/move channels to C/C++/Pyx

- Move channels implementation to be done in C++ inside libgolang. The
  code and logic is based on previous Python-level channels
  implementation, but the new code is just C++ and does not depend on
  Python nor GIL at all, and so works without GIL if libgolang
  runtime works without GIL(*).

  (*) for example "thread" runtime works without GIL, while "gevent" runtime
      acquires GIL on every semaphore acquire.

  New channels implementation is located in δ(libgolang.cpp).

- Provide low-level C channels API to the implementation. The low-level
  C API was inspired by Libtask[1] and Plan9/Libthread[2].

  [1] Libtask: a Coroutine Library for C and Unix.

- Provide high-level C++ channels API that provides type-safety and
  automatic channel lifetime management.

  Overview of C and C++ APIs are in δ(libgolang.h).

- Expose C++ channels API at Pyx level as Cython/nogil API so that Cython
  programs could use channels with ease and without need to care about
  lifetime management and low-level details.

  Overview of Cython/nogil channels API is in δ(README.rst) and

- Turn Python channels to be tiny wrapper around chan<PyObject>.

Implementation note:

- gevent case needs special care because greenlet, which gevent uses,
  swaps coroutine stack from C stack to heap on coroutine park, and
  replaces that space on C stack with stack of activated coroutine
  copied back from heap. This way if an object on g's stack is accessed
  while g is parked it would be memory of another g's stack.

  The channels implementation explicitly cares about this issue so that
  stack -> * channel send, or * -> stack channel receive work correctly.

  It should be noted that greenlet approach, which it inherits from
  stackless, is not only a bit tricky, but also comes with overhead
  (stack <-> heap copy), and prevents a coroutine to migrate from 1 OS
  thread to another OS thread as that would change addresses of on-stack
  things for that coroutine.

  As the latter property prevents to use multiple CPUs even if the
  program / runtime are prepared to work without GIL, it would be more
  logical to change gevent/greenlet to use separate stack for each
  coroutine. That would remove stack <-> heap copy and the need for
  special care in channels implementation for stack - stack sends.
  Such approach should be possible to implement with e.g. swapcontext or
  similar mechanism, and a proof of concept of such work wrapped into
  greenlet-compatible API exists[3]. It would be good if at some point
  there would be a chance to explore such approach in Pygolang context.

  [3] and below

Just this patch brings in the following speedup at Python level:

 (on i7@2.6GHz)

thread runtime:

    name             old time/op  new time/op  delta
    go               20.0µs ± 1%  15.6µs ± 1%  -21.84%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    chan             9.37µs ± 4%  2.89µs ± 6%  -69.12%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    select           20.2µs ± 4%   3.4µs ± 5%  -83.20%  (p=0.000 n=8+10)
    def              58.0ns ± 0%  60.0ns ± 0%   +3.45%  (p=0.000 n=8+10)
    func_def         43.8µs ± 1%  43.9µs ± 1%     ~     (p=0.796 n=10+10)
    call             62.4ns ± 1%  63.5ns ± 1%   +1.76%  (p=0.001 n=10+10)
    func_call        1.06µs ± 1%  1.05µs ± 1%   -0.63%  (p=0.002 n=10+10)
    try_finally       136ns ± 0%   137ns ± 0%   +0.74%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    defer            2.28µs ± 1%  2.33µs ± 1%   +2.34%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    workgroup_empty  48.2µs ± 1%  34.1µs ± 2%  -29.18%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)
    workgroup_raise  58.9µs ± 1%  45.5µs ± 1%  -22.74%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)

gevent runtime:

    name             old time/op  new time/op  delta
    go               24.7µs ± 1%  15.9µs ± 1%  -35.72%  (p=0.000 n=9+9)
    chan             11.6µs ± 1%   7.3µs ± 1%  -36.74%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    select           22.5µs ± 1%  10.4µs ± 1%  -53.73%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    def              55.0ns ± 0%  55.0ns ± 0%     ~     (all equal)
    func_def         43.6µs ± 1%  43.6µs ± 1%     ~     (p=0.684 n=10+10)
    call             63.0ns ± 0%  64.0ns ± 0%   +1.59%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    func_call        1.06µs ± 1%  1.07µs ± 1%   +0.45%  (p=0.045 n=10+9)
    try_finally       135ns ± 0%   137ns ± 0%   +1.48%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    defer            2.31µs ± 1%  2.33µs ± 1%   +0.89%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    workgroup_empty  70.2µs ± 0%  55.8µs ± 0%  -20.63%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    workgroup_raise  90.3µs ± 0%  70.9µs ± 1%  -21.51%  (p=0.000 n=9+10)

The whole Cython/nogil work - starting from 8fa3c15b (Start using Cython
and providing Cython/nogil API) to this patch - brings in the following
speedup at Python level:

 (on i7@2.6GHz)

thread runtime:

    name             old time/op  new time/op  delta
    go               92.9µs ± 1%  15.6µs ± 1%  -83.16%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    chan             13.9µs ± 1%   2.9µs ± 6%  -79.14%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    select           29.7µs ± 6%   3.4µs ± 5%  -88.55%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    def              57.0ns ± 0%  60.0ns ± 0%   +5.26%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    func_def         44.0µs ± 1%  43.9µs ± 1%     ~     (p=0.055 n=10+10)
    call             63.5ns ± 1%  63.5ns ± 1%     ~     (p=1.000 n=10+10)
    func_call        1.06µs ± 0%  1.05µs ± 1%   -1.31%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    try_finally       139ns ± 0%   137ns ± 0%   -1.44%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    defer            2.36µs ± 1%  2.33µs ± 1%   -1.26%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    workgroup_empty  98.4µs ± 1%  34.1µs ± 2%  -65.32%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    workgroup_raise   135µs ± 1%    46µs ± 1%  -66.35%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)

gevent runtime:

    name             old time/op  new time/op  delta
    go               68.8µs ± 1%  15.9µs ± 1%  -76.91%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    chan             14.8µs ± 1%   7.3µs ± 1%  -50.67%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    select           32.0µs ± 0%  10.4µs ± 1%  -67.57%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    def              58.0ns ± 0%  55.0ns ± 0%   -5.17%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    func_def         43.9µs ± 1%  43.6µs ± 1%   -0.53%  (p=0.035 n=10+10)
    call             63.5ns ± 1%  64.0ns ± 0%   +0.79%  (p=0.033 n=10+10)
    func_call        1.08µs ± 1%  1.07µs ± 1%   -1.74%  (p=0.000 n=10+9)
    try_finally       142ns ± 0%   137ns ± 0%   -3.52%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    defer            2.32µs ± 1%  2.33µs ± 1%   +0.71%  (p=0.005 n=10+10)
    workgroup_empty  90.3µs ± 0%  55.8µs ± 0%  -38.26%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)
    workgroup_raise   108µs ± 1%    71µs ± 1%  -34.64%  (p=0.000 n=10+10)

This patch is the final patch in series to reach the goal of providing
channels that could be used in Cython/nogil code.

Cython/nogil channels work is dedicated to the memory of Вера Павловна Супрун[4].

parent 9efb6575
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ located in `src/` under `$GOPATH`.
Cython/nogil API
Cython package `golang` provides *nogil* API with goroutines and
Cython package `golang` provides *nogil* API with goroutines, channels and
other features that mirror corresponding Python package. Cython API is not only
faster compared to Python version, but also, due to *nogil* property, allows to
build concurrent systems without limitations imposed by Python's GIL. All that
......@@ -178,14 +178,59 @@ while still programming in Python-like language. Brief description of
Cython/nogil API follows:
`go` spawns new task - a coroutine, or thread, depending on activated runtime.
For example::
`chan[T]` represents a channel with Go semantic and elements of type `T`.
Use `makechan[T]` to create new channel, and `chan[T].recv`, `chan[T].send`,
`chan[T].close` for communication. `nil` stands for the nil channel. `select`
can be used to multiplex on several channels. For example::
cdef nogil:
void worker():
struct Point:
int x
int y
void worker(chan[int] chi, chan[Point] chp):
cdef Point p
p.x = 3
p.y = 4
void myfunc():
cdef chan[int] chi = makechan[int]() # synchronous channel of integers
cdef chan[Point] chp = makechan[Point](3) # channel with buffer of size 3 and Point elements
go(worker, chi, chp)
i = chi.recv() # will give 1
p = chp.recv() # will give Point(3,4)
chp = nil # rebind chp to nil channel
cdef cbool ok
cdef int j = 33
_ = select([
chi.recvs(&i) # 0
chi.recvs(&i, &ok), # 1
chi.sends(&j), # 2
chp.recvs(&p), # 3
default, # 4
if _ == 0:
# i is what was received from chi
if _ == 1:
# (i, ok) is what was received from chi
if _ == 2:
# we know j was sent to chi
if _ == 3:
# this case will be never selected because
# send/recv on nil channel block forever.
if _ == 4:
# default case
`panic` stops normal execution of current goroutine by throwing a C-level
exception. On Python/C boundaries C-level exceptions have to be converted to
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Cython/nogil API
- `go` spawns lightweight thread.
- `chan[T]`, `makechan[T]` and `select` provide C-level channels with Go semantic.
- `panic` stops normal execution of current goroutine by throwing a C-level exception.
Everything in Cython/nogil API do not depend on Python runtime and in
......@@ -38,10 +39,16 @@ runtime
In addition to Cython/nogil API, golang.pyx provides runtime for
- Python-level channels are represented by pychan + pyselect.
- Python-level panic is represented by pypanic.
from libcpp cimport nullptr_t, nullptr as nil
from libcpp.utility cimport pair
cdef extern from *:
ctypedef bint cbool "bool"
# nogil pyx-level golang API.
# NOTE even though many functions may panic (= throw C++ exception) nothing is
......@@ -58,14 +65,63 @@ cdef extern from "golang/libgolang.h" namespace "golang" nogil:
void go(...) # typechecking is done by C
struct _chan
cppclass chan[T]:
# send/recv/close
void send(const T&)
T recv()
pair[T, cbool] recv_()
void close()
# send/recv in select
_selcase sends(const T *ptx)
_selcase recvs()
_selcase recvs(T* prx)
_selcase recvs(T* prx, cbool *pok)
# length/capacity
unsigned len()
unsigned cap()
# compare wrt nil; =nil
cbool operator==(nullptr_t)
cbool operator!=(nullptr_t)
void operator=(nullptr_t)
# for tests
_chan *_rawchan()
chan[T] makechan[T]()
chan[T] makechan[T](unsigned size)
struct structZ:
enum _chanop:
struct _selcase:
_chanop op
void *data
cbool *rxok
const _selcase default "golang::_default"
int select(_selcase casev[])
# ---- python bits ----
cdef void topyexc() except *
cpdef pypanic(arg)
# pychan is chan<object>
from cpython cimport PyObject
ctypedef PyObject *pPyObject #
from cython cimport final
cdef class pychan:
cdef dict __dict__
cdef chan[pPyObject] ch
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -26,21 +26,30 @@
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from golang cimport go, pychan, panic, pypanic, topyexc
from golang import nilchan
from golang import _golang
from golang cimport go, chan, _chan, makechan, pychan, nil, select, \
default, structZ, panic, pypanic, topyexc, cbool
from golang import time
cdef extern from "golang/libgolang.h" namespace "golang" nogil:
int _tchanrecvqlen(_chan *ch)
int _tchansendqlen(_chan *ch)
void (*_tblockforever)()
# pylen_{recv,send}q returns len(pych._{recv,send}q)
# pylen_{recv,send}q returns len(_chan._{recv,send}q)
def pylen_recvq(pychan pych not None): # -> int
if pych is nilchan:
if == nil:
raise AssertionError('len(.recvq) on nil channel')
return len(pych._recvq)
return _tchanrecvqlen(
def pylen_sendq(pychan pych not None): # -> int
if pych is nilchan:
if == nil:
raise AssertionError('len(.sendq) on nil channel')
return len(pych._sendq)
return _tchansendqlen(
# runtime/libgolang_test.cpp
cdef extern from *:
extern void waitBlocked(golang::_chan *ch, bool rx, bool tx);
void waitBlocked(_chan *, bint rx, bint tx) nogil except +topyexc
# pywaitBlocked waits till a receive or send pychan operation blocks waiting on the channel.
......@@ -49,7 +58,8 @@ def pywaitBlocked(pychanop):
if pychanop.__self__.__class__ is not pychan:
pypanic("wait blocked: %r is method of a non-chan: %r" % (pychanop, pychanop.__self__.__class__))
cdef pychan pych = pychanop.__self__
recv = send = False
cdef bint recv = False
cdef bint send = False
if pychanop.__name__ == "recv": # XXX better check PyCFunction directly
recv = True
elif pychanop.__name__ == "send": # XXX better check PyCFunction directly
......@@ -57,41 +67,84 @@ def pywaitBlocked(pychanop):
pypanic("wait blocked: unexpected chan method: %r" % (pychanop,))
t0 =
while 1:
with pych._mu:
if recv and pylen_recvq(pych) > 0:
if send and pylen_sendq(pych) > 0:
now =
if now-t0 > 10: # waited > 10 seconds - likely deadlock
time.sleep(0) # yield to another thread / coroutine
with nogil:
waitBlocked(, recv, send)
# `with pypanicWhenBlocked` hooks into _golang._blockforever to raise panic with
# `with pypanicWhenBlocked` hooks into libgolang _blockforever to raise panic with
# "t: blocks forever" instead of blocking.
cdef class pypanicWhenBlocked:
def __enter__(t):
assert _golang._tblockforever is None
_golang._tblockforever = _panicblocked
global _tblockforever
_tblockforever = _panicblocked
return t
def __exit__(t, typ, val, tb):
_golang._tblockforever = None
def _panicblocked():
pypanic("t: blocks forever")
_tblockforever = NULL
cdef void _panicblocked() nogil:
panic("t: blocks forever")
# small test to verify pyx(nogil) channels.
ctypedef struct Point:
int x
int y
# TODO kill this and teach Cython to coerce pair[X,Y] -> (X,Y)
cdef (int, cbool) recv_(chan[int] ch) nogil:
_ = ch.recv_()
return (_.first, _.second)
cdef void _test_chan_nogil() nogil except +topyexc:
cdef chan[structZ] done = makechan[structZ]()
cdef chan[int] chi = makechan[int](1)
cdef chan[Point] chp = makechan[Point]()
chp = nil # reset to nil
cdef int i, j
cdef Point p
cdef cbool jok
i=+1; chi.send(i)
j=-1; j = chi.recv()
if not (j == i):
panic("send -> recv != I")
i = 2
done.recvs(), # 0
chi.sends(&i), # 1
chp.recvs(&p), # 2
chi.recvs(&j, &jok), # 3
default, # 4
if _ != 1:
panic("select: selected !1")
j, jok = recv_(chi)
if not (j == 2 and jok == True):
panic("recv_ != (2, true)")
j, jok = recv_(chi)
if not (j == 0 and jok == False):
panic("recv_ from closed != (0, false)")
def test_chan_nogil():
with nogil:
# small test to verify pyx(nogil) go.
cdef void _test_go_nogil() nogil except +topyexc:
go(_work, 111)
# TODO wait till _work is done
cdef void _work(int i) nogil:
cdef chan[structZ] done = makechan[structZ]()
go(_work, 111, done)
cdef void _work(int i, chan[structZ] done) nogil:
if i != 111:
panic("_work: i != 111")
def test_go_nogil():
with nogil:
......@@ -101,9 +154,14 @@ def test_go_nogil():
# runtime/libgolang_test_c.c
cdef extern from * nogil:
extern "C" void _test_chan_c();
extern "C" void _test_go_c();
void _test_chan_c() except +topyexc
void _test_go_c() except +topyexc
def test_chan_c():
with nogil:
def test_go_c():
with nogil:
......@@ -111,9 +169,24 @@ def test_go_c():
# runtime/libgolang_test.cpp
cdef extern from * nogil:
extern void _test_chan_cpp_refcount();
extern void _test_chan_cpp();
extern void _test_chan_vs_stackdeadwhileparked();
extern void _test_go_cpp();
void _test_chan_cpp_refcount() except +topyexc
void _test_chan_cpp() except +topyexc
void _test_chan_vs_stackdeadwhileparked() except +topyexc
void _test_go_cpp() except +topyexc
def test_chan_cpp_refcount():
with nogil:
def test_chan_cpp():
with nogil:
def test_chan_vs_stackdeadwhileparked():
with nogil:
def test_go_cpp():
with nogil:
......@@ -159,6 +159,11 @@ def test_chan():
assert w2() is not None
ch = None
# pypy needs another GC run: pychan does Py_DECREF on buffered objects, but
# on pypy cpyext objects are not deallocated from Py_DECREF even if
# ob_refcnt goes to zero - the deallocation is delayed until GC run.
# see also:
assert w1() is None
assert w2() is None
......@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@
// Library Libgolang provides Go-like features for C and C++.
// Library Libgolang provides goroutines and other
// Library Libgolang provides goroutines, channels with Go semantic and other
// accompanying features. The library consists of high-level type-safe C++ API,
// and low-level unsafe C API.
// and low-level unsafe C API. The low-level C API was inspired by Libtask[1]
// and Plan9/Libthread[2].
// The primary motivation for Libgolang is to serve as runtime for golang.pyx -
// - Cython part of Pygolang project. However Libgolang is independent of
......@@ -35,12 +36,29 @@
// C++-level API
// - `go` spawns new task.
// - `chan<T>`, and `select` provide channels with Go semantic and automatic
// lifetime management.
// - `sleep` pauses current task.
// - `panic` throws exception that represent C-level panic.
// For example:
// go(worker, 1); // spawn worker(int)
// chan<int> ch = makechan<int>(); // create new channel
// go(worker, ch, 1); // spawn worker(chan<int>, int)
// ch.send(1)
// j = ch.recv()
// _ = select({
// _default, // 0
// ch.sends(&i), // 1
// ch.recvs(&j), // 2
// });
// if (_ == 0)
// // default case selected
// if (_ == 1)
// // case 1 selected: i sent to ch
// if (_ == 2)
// // case 2 selected: j received from ch
// if (<bug condition>)
// panic("bug");
......@@ -49,6 +67,10 @@
// C-level API
// - `_taskgo` spawns new task.
// - `_makechan` creates raw channel with Go semantic.
// - `_chanxincref` and `_chanxdecref` manage channel lifetime.
// - `_chansend` and `_chanrecv` send/receive over raw channel.
// - `_chanselect`, `_selsend`, `_selrecv`, ... provide raw select functionality.
// - `tasknanosleep` pauses current task.
......@@ -65,6 +87,10 @@
// Once again, Libgolang itself is independent from Python, and other runtimes
// are possible.
// [1] Libtask: a Coroutine Library for C and Unix.
// [2]
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
......@@ -104,10 +130,88 @@ LIBGOLANG_API void _taskgo(void (*f)(void *arg), void *arg);
LIBGOLANG_API void _tasknanosleep(uint64_t dt);
LIBGOLANG_API uint64_t _nanotime(void);
typedef struct _chan _chan;
LIBGOLANG_API _chan *_makechan(unsigned elemsize, unsigned size);
LIBGOLANG_API void _chanxincref(_chan *ch);
LIBGOLANG_API void _chanxdecref(_chan *ch);
LIBGOLANG_API int _chanrefcnt(_chan *ch);
LIBGOLANG_API void _chansend(_chan *ch, const void *ptx);
LIBGOLANG_API void _chanrecv(_chan *ch, void *prx);
LIBGOLANG_API bool _chanrecv_(_chan *ch, void *prx);
LIBGOLANG_API void _chanclose(_chan *ch);
LIBGOLANG_API unsigned _chanlen(_chan *ch);
LIBGOLANG_API unsigned _chancap(_chan *ch);
enum _chanop {
// _selcase represents one select case.
typedef struct _selcase {
_chan *ch; // channel
enum _chanop op; // chansend/chanrecv/default
void *data; // chansend: ptx; chanrecv: prx
bool *rxok; // chanrecv: where to save ok if !NULL; otherwise not used
} _selcase;
LIBGOLANG_API int _chanselect(const _selcase *casev, int casec);
// _selsend creates `_chansend(ch, ptx)` case for _chanselect.
static inline
_selcase _selsend(_chan *ch, const void *ptx) {
_selcase _ = {
.ch = ch,
.op = _CHANSEND,
.data = (void *)ptx,
.rxok = NULL,
return _;
// _selrecv creates `_chanrecv(ch, prx)` case for _chanselect.
static inline
_selcase _selrecv(_chan *ch, void *prx) {
_selcase _ = {
.ch = ch,
.op = _CHANRECV,
.data = prx,
.rxok = NULL,
return _;
// _selrecv_ creates `*pok = _chanrecv_(ch, prx)` case for _chanselect.
static inline
_selcase _selrecv_(_chan *ch, void *prx, bool *pok) {
_selcase _ = {
.ch = ch,
.op = _CHANRECV,
.data = prx,
.rxok = pok,
return _;
// _default represents default case for _chanselect.
extern LIBGOLANG_API const _selcase _default;
// libgolang runtime - the runtime must be initialized before any other libgolang use.
typedef struct _libgolang_sema _libgolang_sema;
typedef enum _libgolang_runtime_flags {
// STACK_DEAD_WHILE_PARKED indicates that it is not safe to access
// goroutine's stack memory while the goroutine is parked.
// for example gevent/greenlet/stackless use it because they copy g's stack
// to heap on park and back on unpark. This way if objects on g's stack
// were accessed while g was parked it would be memory of another g's stack.
} _libgolang_runtime_flags;
typedef struct _libgolang_runtime_ops {
_libgolang_runtime_flags flags;
// go should spawn a task (coroutine/thread/...).
void (*go)(void (*f)(void *), void *arg);
......@@ -136,6 +240,11 @@ typedef struct _libgolang_runtime_ops {
LIBGOLANG_API void _libgolang_init(const _libgolang_runtime_ops *runtime_ops);
// for testing
LIBGOLANG_API int _tchanrecvqlen(_chan *ch);
LIBGOLANG_API int _tchansendqlen(_chan *ch);
LIBGOLANG_API extern void (*_tblockforever)(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -145,8 +254,12 @@ LIBGOLANG_API void _libgolang_init(const _libgolang_runtime_ops *runtime_ops);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace golang {
......@@ -162,6 +275,122 @@ static inline void go(F /*std::function<void(Argv...)>*/ f, Argv... argv) {
}, frun);
template<typename T> class chan;
template<typename T> static chan<T> makechan(unsigned size=0);
// chan<T> provides type-safe wrapper over _chan.
// chan<T> is automatically reference-counted and is safe to use from multiple
// goroutines simultaneously.
template<typename T>
class chan {
_chan *_ch;
inline chan() { _ch = NULL; } // nil channel if not explicitly initialized
friend chan<T> makechan<T>(unsigned size);
inline ~chan() { _chanxdecref(_ch); _ch = NULL; }
// = nil
inline chan(nullptr_t) { _ch = NULL; }
inline chan& operator=(nullptr_t) { _chanxdecref(_ch); _ch = NULL; return *this; }
// copy
inline chan(const chan& from) { _ch = from._ch; _chanxincref(_ch); }
inline chan& operator=(const chan& from) {
if (this != &from) {
_chanxdecref(_ch); _ch = from._ch; _chanxincref(_ch);
return *this;
// move
inline chan(chan&& from) { _ch = from._ch; from._ch = NULL; }
inline chan& operator=(chan&& from) {
if (this != &from) {
_chanxdecref(_ch); _ch = from._ch; from._ch = NULL;
return *this;
// _chan does plain memcpy to copy elements.
// TODO allow all types (e.g. element=chan )
static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<T>::value, "TODO chan<T>: T copy is not trivial");
// send/recv/close
inline void send(const T &ptx) { _chansend(_ch, &ptx); }
inline T recv() { T rx; _chanrecv(_ch, &rx); return rx; }
inline std::pair<T,bool> recv_() { T rx; bool ok = _chanrecv_(_ch, &rx);
return std::make_pair(rx, ok); }
inline void close() { _chanclose(_ch); }
// send/recv in select
// ch.sends creates `ch.send(*ptx)` case for select.
[[nodiscard]] inline _selcase sends(const T *ptx) { return _selsend(_ch, ptx); }
// ch.recvs creates `*prx = ch.recv()` case for select.
// if pok is provided the case is extended to `[*prx, *pok] = ch.recv_()`
// if both prx and pok are omitted the case is reduced to `ch.recv()`.
[[nodiscard]] inline _selcase recvs(T *prx=NULL, bool *pok=NULL) {
return _selrecv_(_ch, prx, pok);
// length/capacity
inline unsigned len() { return _chanlen(_ch); }
inline unsigned cap() { return _chancap(_ch); }
// compare wrt nil
inline bool operator==(nullptr_t) { return (_ch == NULL); }
inline bool operator!=(nullptr_t) { return (_ch != NULL); }
// compare wrt chan
inline bool operator==(const chan<T>& ch2) { return (_ch == ch2._ch); }
inline bool operator!=(const chan<T>& ch2) { return (_ch != ch2._ch); }
// for testing
inline _chan *_rawchan() { return _ch; }
// makechan<T> makes new chan<T> with capacity=size.
template<typename T> static inline
chan<T> makechan(unsigned size) {
chan<T> ch;
unsigned elemsize = std::is_empty<T>::value
? 0 // eg struct{} for which sizeof() gives 1 - *not* 0
: sizeof(T);
ch._ch = _makechan(elemsize, size);
if (ch._ch == NULL)
throw std::bad_alloc();
return ch;
// structZ is struct{}.
// it's a workaround for e.g. makechan<struct{}> giving
// "error: types may not be defined in template arguments".
struct structZ{};
// select, together with chan<T>.sends and chan<T>.recvs, provide type-safe
// wrappers over _chanselect and _selsend/_selrecv/_selrecv_.
// Usage example:
// _ = select({
// ch1.recvs(&v), // 0
// ch2.recvs(&v, &ok), // 1
// ch2.sends(&v), // 2
// _default, // 3
// })
static inline // select({case1, case2, case3})
int select(const std::initializer_list<const _selcase> &casev) {
return _chanselect(casev.begin(), casev.size());
template<size_t N> static inline // select(casev_array)
int select(const _selcase (&casev)[N]) {
return _chanselect(&casev[0], N);
namespace time {
......@@ -23,18 +23,26 @@
# Small program that uses a bit of golang.pyx nogil features, mainly to verify
# that external project can build against golang in pyx mode.
from golang cimport go, topyexc
from golang cimport go, chan, makechan, topyexc
from libc.stdio cimport printf
cdef nogil:
void worker(int i, int j):
void worker(chan[int] ch, int i, int j):
void _main() except +topyexc:
cdef chan[int] ch = makechan[int]()
cdef int i
for i in range(3):
go(worker, i, 4)
go(worker, ch, i, 4)
for i in range(3):
#_, ok = ch.recv_() # TODO teach Cython to coerce pair[X,Y] -> (X,Y)
printf("test.pyx: OK\n")
......@@ -23,8 +23,12 @@ from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t
cdef extern from "golang/libgolang.h" nogil:
struct _libgolang_sema
enum _libgolang_runtime_flags:
struct _libgolang_runtime_ops:
_libgolang_runtime_flags flags
void (*go)(void (*f)(void *) nogil, void *arg);
_libgolang_sema* (*sema_alloc) ()
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ from cpython cimport Py_INCREF, Py_DECREF
from cython cimport final
from golang.runtime._libgolang cimport _libgolang_runtime_ops, _libgolang_sema, \
from golang.runtime cimport _runtime_thread
......@@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ cdef nogil:
# XXX const
_libgolang_runtime_ops gevent_ops = _libgolang_runtime_ops(
# when greenlet is switched to another, its stack is copied to
# heap, and stack of switched-to greenlet is copied back to C stack.
go = go,
sema_alloc = sema_alloc,
sema_free = sema_free,
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ cdef extern from "pythread.h" nogil:
void PyThread_free_lock(PyThread_type_lock)
from golang.runtime._libgolang cimport _libgolang_runtime_ops, _libgolang_sema, \
_libgolang_runtime_flags, panic
from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t, UINT64_MAX
......@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ cdef nogil:
# XXX const
_libgolang_runtime_ops thread_ops = _libgolang_runtime_ops(
flags = <_libgolang_runtime_flags>0,
go = go,
sema_alloc = sema_alloc,
sema_free = sema_free,
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -20,15 +20,265 @@
// Test that exercises C++-level libgolang.h API and functionality.
#include "golang/libgolang.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
using namespace golang;
using std::function;
using std::move;
using std::tie;
#define __STR(X) #X
#define STR(X) __STR(X)
#define ASSERT(COND) do { \
if (!(COND)) \
panic(__FILE__ ":" STR(__LINE__) " assert `" #COND "` failed"); \
} while(0)
// verify chan<T> automatic reference counting.
void _test_chan_cpp_refcount() {
chan<int> ch;
ASSERT(!(ch != NULL));
ASSERT(ch._rawchan() == NULL);
ch = makechan<int>();
ASSERT(!(ch == NULL));
ASSERT(ch._rawchan() != NULL);
_chan *_ch = ch._rawchan();
ASSERT(_chanrefcnt(_ch) == 1);
// copy ctor
chan<int> ch2(ch);
ASSERT(ch2._rawchan() == _ch);
ASSERT(_chanrefcnt(_ch) == 2);
ASSERT(ch2 == ch);
ASSERT(!(ch2 != ch));
// ch2 goes out of scope, decref'ing via ~chan
ASSERT(_chanrefcnt(_ch) == 1);
// copy =
chan<int> ch2;
ASSERT(ch2 == NULL);
ASSERT(ch2._rawchan() == NULL);
ch2 = ch;
ASSERT(ch2._rawchan() == _ch);
ASSERT(_chanrefcnt(_ch) == 2);
ASSERT(ch2 == ch);
ASSERT(!(ch2 != ch));
ch2 = NULL;
ASSERT(ch2 == NULL);
ASSERT(ch2._rawchan() == NULL);
ASSERT(_chanrefcnt(_ch) == 1);
ASSERT(!(ch2 == ch));
ASSERT(ch2 != ch);
ASSERT(_chanrefcnt(_ch) == 1);
// move ctor
chan<int> ch2(move(ch));
ASSERT(ch._rawchan() == NULL);
ASSERT(ch2 != NULL);
ASSERT(ch2._rawchan() == _ch);
ASSERT(_chanrefcnt(_ch) == 1);
// move =
ch = move(ch2);
ASSERT(ch._rawchan() == _ch);
ASSERT(ch2 == NULL);
ASSERT(ch2._rawchan() == NULL);
ASSERT(_chanrefcnt(_ch) == 1);
// ch goes out of scope and destroys raw channel
// verify chan<T> IO.
struct Point {
int x, y;
void _test_chan_cpp() {
chan<structZ> done = makechan<structZ>();
chan<int> chi = makechan<int>(1);
chan<Point> chp = makechan<Point>(); chp = NULL;
int i, j, _;
Point p;
bool jok;
i=+1; chi.send(i);
j=-1; j = chi.recv();
if (j != i)
panic("send -> recv != I");
i = 2;
_ = select({
done.recvs(), // 0
chi.sends(&i), // 1
chp.recvs(&p), // 2
chi.recvs(&j, &jok), // 3
_default, // 4
if (_ != 1)
panic("select: selected !1");
tie(j, jok) = chi.recv_();
if (!(j == 2 && jok == true))
panic("recv_ != (2, true)");
tie(j, jok) = chi.recv_();
if (!(j == 0 && jok == false))
panic("recv_ from closed != (0, false)");
// XXX chan<chan> is currently TODO
//chan<chan<int>> zzz;
// waitBlocked waits until either a receive (if rx) or send (if tx) operation
// blocks waiting on the channel.
void waitBlocked(_chan *ch, bool rx, bool tx) {
if (ch == NULL)
panic("wait blocked: called on nil channel");
double t0 = time::now();
while (1) {
if (rx && (_tchanrecvqlen(ch) != 0))
if (tx && (_tchansendqlen(ch) != 0))
double now = time::now();
if (now-t0 > 10) // waited > 10 seconds - likely deadlock
time::sleep(0); // yield to another thread / coroutine
template<typename T> void waitBlocked_RX(chan<T> ch) {
waitBlocked(ch._rawchan(), /*rx=*/true, /*tx=*/0);
template<typename T> void waitBlocked_TX(chan<T> ch) {
waitBlocked(ch._rawchan(), /*rx=*/0, /*tx=*/true);
// usestack_and_call pushes C-stack down and calls f from that.
// C-stack pushdown is used to make sure that when f will block and switched
// to another g, greenlet will save f's C-stack frame onto heap.
// --- ~~~
// stack of another g
// --- ~~~
// .
// .
// .
// f -> heap
static void usestack_and_call(function<void()> f, int nframes=128) {
if (nframes == 0) {
return usestack_and_call(f, nframes-1);
// verify that send/recv/select correctly route their onstack arguments through onheap proxies.
void _test_chan_vs_stackdeadwhileparked() {
// problem: under greenlet g's stack lives on system stack and is swapped as needed
// onto heap and back on g switch. This way if e.g. recv() is called with
// prx pointing to stack, and the stack is later copied to heap and replaced
// with stack of another g, the sender, if writing to original prx directly,
// will write to stack of different g, and original recv g, after wakeup,
// will see unchanged memory - with stack content that was saved to heap.
// to avoid this, send/recv/select create onheap proxies for onstack
// arguments and use those proxies as actual argument for send/receive.
// recv
auto ch = makechan<int>();
go([&]() {
usestack_and_call([&]() {
usestack_and_call([&]() {
int rx = ch.recv();
if (rx != 111)
panic("recv(111) != 111");
// send
auto done = makechan<structZ>();
go([&]() {
usestack_and_call([&]() {
int rx = ch.recv();
if (rx != 222)
panic("recv(222) != 222");
usestack_and_call([&]() {
// select(recv)
go([&]() {
usestack_and_call([&]() {
usestack_and_call([&]() {
int rx = 0;
int _ = select({ch.recvs(&rx)});
if (_ != 0)
panic("select(recv, 333): selected !0");
if (rx != 333)
panic("select(recv, 333): recv != 333");
// select(send)
done = makechan<structZ>();
go([&]() {
usestack_and_call([&]() {
int rx = ch.recv();
if (rx != 444)
panic("recv(444) != 444");
usestack_and_call([&]() {
int tx = 444;
int _ = select({ch.sends(&tx)});
if (_ != 0)
panic("select(send, 444): selected !0");
// small test to verify C++ go.
static void _work(int i);
static void _work(int i, chan<structZ> done);
void _test_go_cpp() {
go(_work, 111); // not λ to test that go correctly passes arguments
// TODO wait till _work is done
auto done = makechan<structZ>();
go(_work, 111, done); // not λ to test that go correctly passes arguments
static void _work(int i) {
static void _work(int i, chan<structZ> done) {
if (i != 111)
panic("_work: i != 111");
......@@ -26,20 +26,69 @@
#include "golang/libgolang.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Point {
int x, y;
} Point;
void _test_chan_c(void) {
_chan *done = _makechan(0, 0);
_chan *chi = _makechan(sizeof(int), 1);
_chan *chp = NULL;
int i, j, _;
Point p;
bool jok;
i=+1; _chansend(chi, &i);
j=-1; _chanrecv(chi, &j);
if (j != i)
panic("send -> recv != I");
i = 2;
_selcase sel[5];
sel[0] = _selrecv(done, NULL);
sel[1] = _selsend(chi, &i);
sel[2] = _selrecv(chp, &p);
sel[3] = _selrecv_(chi, &j, &jok);
sel[4] = _default;
_ = _chanselect(sel, 5);
if (_ != 1)
panic("select: selected !1");
jok = _chanrecv_(chi, &j);
if (!(j == 2 && jok == true))
panic("recv_ != (2, true)");
jok = _chanrecv_(chi, &j);
if (!(j == 0 && jok == false))
panic("recv_ from closed != (0, false)");
// small test to verify C _taskgo.
struct _work_arg{int i;};
struct _work_arg{int i; _chan *done;};
static void _work(void *);
void _test_go_c(void) {
_chan *done = _makechan(0,0);
if (done == NULL)
panic("_makechan -> failed");
struct _work_arg *_ = malloc(sizeof(*_));
if (_ == NULL)
panic("malloc _work_arg -> failed");
_->i = 111;
_->done = done;
_taskgo(_work, _);
// TODO wait till _work is done
_chanrecv(done, NULL);
static void _work(void *__) {
struct _work_arg *_ = (struct _work_arg *)__;
if (_->i != 111)
panic("_work: i != 111");
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