Commit 7b46b8fd authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

software/ipython_notebook: version up eggs.

parent 1c6f7538
......@@ -84,103 +84,84 @@ context =
key custom_js_filename custom-js:filename
PyRSS2Gen = 1.1
Pygments = 2.0.2
cns.recipe.symlink = 0.2.3
ipython = 4.0.0
matplotlib = 1.4.3
# Required by:
# ipython==4.0.0
mistune = 0.7.1
nose = 1.3.7
numpy = 1.9.2
pandas = 0.16.2
Pygments = 2.2.0
astor = 0.5
backports-abc = 0.5
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size = 1.0.0
cycler = 0.10.0
ipykernel = 4.5.2
ipython = 5.3.0
ipython-genutils = 0.1.0
ipywidgets = 5.2.2
jupyter-client = 4.1.1
jupyter-core = 4.0.6
matplotlib = 2.0.0
mistune = 0.7.3
notebook = 4.4.1
pandas = 0.19.2
patsy = 0.4.1
plone.recipe.command = 1.1
pyzmq = 14.7.0
scikit-learn = 0.16.1
scipy = 0.15.1
slapos.recipe.template = 2.8
terminado = 0.5
tornado = 4.2
requests = 2.7.0
# Required for erp5_kernel
ipykernel = 4.2.1
# Required by:
# tornado==4.2
backports.ssl-match-hostname =
# Required by:
# tornado==4.2
certifi = 2015.4.28
# Required by:
# mock==1.1.3
funcsigs = 0.4
# Required by:
# matplotlib==1.4.3
mock = 1.1.3
prompt-toolkit = 1.0.13
ptyprocess = 0.5.1
pyzmq = 16.0.2
scikit-learn = 0.18.1
scipy = 0.18.1
seaborn = 0.7.1
simplegeneric = 0.8.1
slapos.recipe.template = 2.10
statsmodels = 0.8.0
terminado = 0.6
tornado = 4.4.2
traitlets = 4.3.2
widgetsnbextension = 1.2.6
# Required by:
# terminado==0.5
ptyprocess = 0.5
# tornado==4.4.2
certifi = 2017.1.23
# Required by:
# matplotlib==1.4.3
# pandas==0.16.2
python-dateutil = 2.4.2
# notebook==4.3.2
# nbconvert 4.2.0 depends on entrypoints egg that is not available as tar/zip source.
nbconvert = 4.1.0
# Required by:
# ipython==4.0.0
notebook = 4.0.6
simplegeneric = 0.8.1
# nbconvert==4.1.0
# notebook==4.4.1
nbformat = 4.3.0
# Required by:
# nbformat==4.0.1
# notebook==4.0.6
# traitlets==4.1.0b1
ipython-genutils = 0.1.0
# patsy==0.4.1
numpy = 1.12.0
# Required by:
# ipykernel==4.2.1
# notebook==4.0.6
jupyter-client = 4.1.1
# ipython==5.3.0
pathlib2 = 2.2.1
# Required by:
# nbformat==4.0.1
# notebook==4.0.6
# jupyter-client==4.1.1
# nbconvert==4.1.0
jupyter-core = 4.0.6
# ipython==5.3.0
pexpect = 4.2.1
# Required by:
# notebook==4.0.6
nbconvert = 4.1.0
# ipython==5.3.0
pickleshare = 0.7.4
# Required by:
# notebook==4.0.6
# nbconvert==4.1.0
nbformat = 4.0.1
# matplotlib==2.0.0
# pandas==0.19.2
python-dateutil = 2.6.0
# Required by:
# pickleshare==0.5 = 8.1.2
# pathlib2==2.2.1
scandir = 1.5
# Required by:
# ipython==4.0.0
pexpect = 4.0.1
# tornado==4.4.2
singledispatch =
# Required by:
# ipython==4.0.0
pickleshare = 0.5
# matplotlib==2.0.0
subprocess32 = 3.2.7
# Required by:
# ipython==4.0.0
# notebook==4.0.6
traitlets = 4.1.0b1
astor = 0.5
# prompt-toolkit==1.0.13
wcwidth = 0.1.7
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