Commit f956bbf3 authored by Levin Zimmermann's avatar Levin Zimmermann

stack/erp5: Fix NEO URL formatting for WCFS

The NEO/go commit kirr/neo@8c974485
changed the URL with which a NEO/go client can be loaded from

    // neo://name@master1,master2,...,masterN?options



We need to apply this change in the NEO URL structure to
to use WCFS with NEO storage.


The URL in is finally send to wcfs binary, which
will open a NEO/go client with this URL via the "openClientByURL" function [1].
If the URL formatting follows the old pattern,
NEO/go is unable to create a NEO/go client and may even raise an
exception [2], because information regarding NEO server is at the wrong
position of the URL.

[1] See
for openClientByURL.

[2] For instance when using the old pattern of putting the cluster name
in the "user" part, NEO/go will raise "credentials can be specified only
with neos:// scheme", because NEO/go reserves the "user" part for
encryption information,
parent b57248b5
......@@ -102,4 +102,4 @@ md5sum = 5cf0316fdd17a940031e4083bbededd8
filename =
md5sum = eb4be2669a9a56187cc4366272e11d18
md5sum = 6278d220a531777a3cdf35a18c4b346d
......@@ -12,7 +12,21 @@
{% if zodb['type'] == 'zeo' -%}
{% set zurl = ('zeo://%s?storage=%s' % (z['server'], z['storage'])) -%}
{% elif zodb['type'] == 'neo' -%}
{% set zurl = ('neo://%s@%s' % (z.pop('name'), z.pop('master_nodes'))) -%}
{# See #}
{# for correct URL format. #}
{% if z.pop("ssl") %}
{# See #}
{# for definition of credentials format. #}
{# Slapos/software/NEOpy instance input schema doesn't allow specifying paths #}
{# for the encription files. It will always search for ~/etc/*. It is only possible #}
{# to provide the encription data as strings via the _ca, _cert and _key parameters. #}
{# We can neither provide the ~/etc paths, because we can't have '/' in an URL because #}
{# it will look like a path. Therefore we only have the option to use direct paths. #}
{% set zurl = 'neos://ca=ca.crt;cert=neo.crt;key=neo.key@' -%}
{% else -%}
{% set zurl = 'neo://' -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set zurl = ('%s%s/%s' % (zurl, z.pop('master_nodes'), z.pop('name'))) -%}
{% set argv = [] -%}
{% set i = 0 -%}
{% for k,v in z|dictsort -%}
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