• Jérome Perrin's avatar
    standalone: don't use --all in waitForSoftware / waitForInstance · f906e42e
    Jérome Perrin authored
    Until now, standalone was running slapos node software/instance with --all flag
    which force installing software or processing software, unlike "normal" slapos
    node which no longer install on software once they are completed and only process
    instances when they are requested with different parameters or when they have
    failing promises.
    We stop using the --all flag, to behave like a normal slapos node.
    This reveal missing promises in some softwares, after this change, waitForInstance
    can return faster. This reveal test failures with some softwares where the
    instanciation step request other instances, but without having a promise to wait
    for their requests to have been sucessfully processed; in this case waitForInstance
    return too early.
    We keep an "slapos node software --all" API to force reinstalling software, this
    can be useful for scenarios like erp5testnode, or software release development.
    We also keep an hidden "slapos node instance --all" API, so that we can keep
    running tests for software releases with missing promises.
standalone.py 33.5 KB