Commit 154faba8 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

slapos_accounting: In case of Subscription, generate invoice 15 days earlier...

slapos_accounting: In case of Subscription, generate invoice 15 days earlier them begin of the next period.
parent bbd735db
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def newOpenOrder(open_sale_order):
def storeWorkflowComment(document, comment):
portal.portal_workflow.doActionFor(document, 'edit_action', comment=comment)
def calculateOpenOrderLineStopDate(open_order_line, hosting_subscription, start_date_delta):
def calculateOpenOrderLineStopDate(open_order_line, hosting_subscription, start_date_delta, next_stop_date_delta=0):
end_date = hosting_subscription.HostingSubscription_calculateSubscriptionStopDate()
if end_date is None:
# Be sure that start date is different from stop date
......@@ -47,11 +47,14 @@ def calculateOpenOrderLineStopDate(open_order_line, hosting_subscription, start_
next_stop_date = hosting_subscription.getNextPeriodicalDate(
hosting_subscription.HostingSubscription_calculateSubscriptionStartDate() + start_date_delta)
current_stop_date = next_stop_date
while next_stop_date < now:
# Ensure the invoice is generated 15 days in advance of the next period.
while next_stop_date < now + next_stop_date_delta:
# Return result should be < now, it order to provide stability in simulation (destruction if it happen should be >= now)
current_stop_date = next_stop_date
next_stop_date = \
return addToDate(current_stop_date, to_add={'second': -1})
stop_date = end_date
......@@ -95,8 +98,16 @@ if open_sale_order is not None:
hosting_subscription = open_order_line.getAggregateValue(portal_type='Hosting Subscription')
assert current_start_date == hosting_subscription.HostingSubscription_calculateSubscriptionStartDate()
subscription_request = hosting_subscription.getAggregateRelatedValue(portal_type="Subscription Request")
# Define the start date of the period, this can variates with the time.
next_stop_date_delta = 0
if subscription_request is not None:
next_stop_date_delta = 46
# First check if the hosting subscription has been correctly simulated (this script may run only once per year...)
stop_date = calculateOpenOrderLineStopDate(open_order_line, hosting_subscription, start_date_delta=0)
stop_date = calculateOpenOrderLineStopDate(open_order_line, hosting_subscription,
start_date_delta=0, next_stop_date_delta=next_stop_date_delta)
if current_stop_date < stop_date:
# Bingo, new subscription to generate
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