Commit 7d05cf4e authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

playbook: kdbox deployment automation with signed certificate

parent 8f1199ee
- name: a play that runs entirely on the ansible host
connection: local
- settings/kdbox.yml
- kdbox
...@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ ...@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@
vars_prompt: vars_prompt:
- name: "re6sttoken" - name: "re6sttoken"
prompt: "\n\n You are running the Grandenet Installer\n\n prompt: "\n\n You are running the KDBox Installer\n\n
Please insert your token from Grandenet to configure your computer.\n Please request a re6stnet token on \n\n
If you don't have a token, please access \n You will also need computer and account token, please get them on \n\n
and request one. \n\n A domain name will be required for kdbox slave frontend, to access erp5 later. \n\n
Move informations at \n\n Enter your re6stnet token: "
Your token "
private: no private: no
default: "notoken" default: "notoken"
...@@ -37,25 +36,34 @@ ...@@ -37,25 +36,34 @@
default: "noname" default: "noname"
- name: "slapostoken" - name: "slapostoken"
prompt: "If you have slapos token if you have (ignore if you already have a configured slapos):" prompt: "What is the server token ?:"
private: no private: no
default: "notoken" default: "notoken"
- name : "Token" - name: "Token"
prompt: "Credential account token" prompt: "What is your credential account token"
private: no private: no
default: "notoken" default: "notoken"
- name: "domain_name" - name: "domain_name"
prompt: "enter domain name for CDN" prompt: "Enter domain name for CDN main instance"
private: no private: no
default: "" default: ""
- name: "custom_domain" - name: "custom_domain"
prompt: "enter custom domain name for CDN slave instance" prompt: "Enter custom domain name for CDN slave instance"
private: no private: no
default: "" default: ""
- file: path=/opt/kdbox state=directory mode=0755
- copy: content="{{ domain_name }}" dest=/opt/kdbox/cdn_domain_name
domain_name != ""
- copy: content="{{ custom_domain }}" dest=/opt/kdbox/cdn_custom_domain
custom_domain != ""
roles: roles:
- re6stnet - re6stnet
- role: routeadv - role: routeadv
CODE=$(curl -s -n -k -L -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "https://$domain/.well-known/manage_main")
if [ "$CODE" == "200" ]; then
echo "Code=$CODE, .well-know exists already!"
exit 0
curl -k -L -n -X POST -d "id=.well-known&submit=Add" http://$domain/portal_skins/custom/manage_addProduct/OFSP/manage_addFolder
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Argument 1 should be instance name and Argument 2 should be 'url' or 'pwd'"
exit 3
for file in `grep -l -R "$1" /srv/slapgrid/slappart*/buildout*.cfg 2>/dev/null`; do
Folder=$(dirname $file)
# search runner0 partition
if [ -f "$Folder/bin/exporter" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$DB" ]; then
echo "ERP5 instance not ready"
exit 2
# get parameters from database
DB_PARTITION_TABLE=$(sqlite3 $DB ".table partition__")
CONNECTION=$(sqlite3 $DB "select connection_xml from $DB_PARTITION_TABLE where reference='slappart0';")
if [ -z "$CONNECTION" ]; then
echo "ERP5 instance not ready"
exit 1
if [ "$2" == "pwd" ]; then
echo $CONNECTION | egrep -o 'inituser-password\"\:\s*\"[a-z,A-Z,0-9]+' | cut -d '"' -f 3
elif [ "$2" == "url" ]; then
echo $CONNECTION | egrep -o 'family-default-v6\"\:\s*\"https\:\/\/\[.*\]:[0-9]+' | cut -d '"' -f 3
echo "Argument 1 should be instance name and Argument 2 should be 'url' or 'pwd'"
exit 3
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
ps aux | grep socat | grep TCP:$2:$3 > /dev/null ps aux | grep socat | grep TCP:$2:$3 > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ] if [ $? -eq 0 ]
then then
echo "port forwarding process already running" echo "port forwarding process already running"
else else
echo "no process running ,executing port forwarding for selectet port" echo "no process running ,executing port forwarding for selectet port"
socat TCP6-LISTEN:$1,fork TCP:$2:$3 & socat TCP6-LISTEN:$1,fork TCP:$2:$3 &
fi fi
#script for port forwarding #script for port forwarding
- role: package
package_name: socat
package_state: present
- role: package
package_name: sqlite3
package_state: present
- role: package
package_name: curl
package_state: present
- role: package
package_name: git
package_state: present
- stat: path=/opt/kdbox/dehydrated
register: dehydrated
- stat: path=/opt/kdbox/dehydrated/
register: hook_file
- name: Get Dehydrated
shell: "git clone /opt/kdbox/dehydrated"
when: dehydrated.stat.exists == False
- copy: content="{{ custom_domain}}" dest=/opt/kdbox/dehydrated/domains.txt
- template: src=config.j2 dest=/opt/kdbox/dehydrated/config mode=644
- name: Get Dehydrated zope hook
dest: /opt/kdbox/dehydrated/
mode: 0755
when: hook_file.stat.exists == False
- shell: "{{ role_path }}/files/kdbox-param '{{ webrunner_instance_name }}' pwd"
register: erp5_pwd
- name: Add .netrc file
dest: "~/.netrc"
mode: 0600
create: yes
state: present
block: |
machine {{ custom_domain }}
login zope
password {{ erp5_pwd.stdout }}
- stat: path="/opt/kdbox/dehydrated/certs/{{ custom_domain }}"
register: cert_folder
- name: Get signed certificate for slave instance
shell: ./dehydrated -c --accept-terms
when: cert_folder.stat.exists == False
chdir: /opt/kdbox/dehydrated
- stat: path=/opt/slapos.playbook/
register: playbook_folder
# temp part to use playbook from branch
- name: Download playbook
shell: git clone /tmp/kdbox-playbook
when: playbook_folder.stat.exists == False
- shell: cd /tmp/kdbox-playbook/; git checkout alain-kdbox
when: playbook_folder.stat.exists == False
- name: Copy slapos.playbook
shell: cp -ax /tmp/kdbox-playbook/playbook /opt/slapos.playbook/
when: playbook_folder.stat.exists == False
# part to use
#- name: Download the playbook
# shell: slapcache-download --destination=/opt/kdbox/archive.tar.gz
#- name: Copy slapos.playbook
# unarchive: src=/opt/kdbox/archive.tar.gz dest=/opt/slapos.playbook
- stat: path=/usr/local/bin/kdbox-deploy
register: bin_file
- name: Set deploy script
content: "cd /opt/slapos.playbook; ansible-playbook kdbox-deploy.yml -i hosts --connection=local"
dest: /usr/local/bin/kdbox-deploy
mode: 0755
when: bin_file.stat.exists == False
- name: Remove kdbox deploy
file: path=/usr/local/bin/kdbox-deploy state=absent
when: kdbox_ok == True
- name: Start deploy cron
cron: job="bash -lc /usr/local/bin/kdbox-deploy >> /var/log/kdbox.log 2>&1"
name="Start kdbox deploy"
- name: Remove cron task
cron: name="Start kdbox deploy"
when: kdbox_ok == True
- stat: path=/usr/local/bin/kdbox-state
register: kdbox_state
- name: Add check state script
template: src=kdbox-state.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/kdbox-state mode=755
when: kdbox_state.stat.exists == False
- name : requesting CDN slave instance for ERP5 ---
shell: echo "request('{{ frontend_software_release_url }}', '{{ frontend_instance_slave_name }}',filter_kw={'computer_guid':'{{ computer_id }}'},partition_parameter_kw={'custom_domain':'{{ custom_domain }}','enable_cache':'true','type':'zope','url':'{{ frontend_slave_backend_url }}',},shared='True', software_type='custom-personal',)" | slapos console
# get ERP5 URL will fail if erp5 instance is not ready
- name: Get ERP5 backend URL
shell: "{{ role_path }}/files/kdbox-param '{{ webrunner_instance_name }}' url"
register: erp5_url
- stat: path="/opt/kdbox/dehydrated/certs/{{ custom_domain }}"
register: cert_folder
- name : requesting CDN slave instance for ERP5
shell: echo "request('{{ frontend_software_release_url }}', '{{ custom_domain }}-slave',filter_kw={'computer_guid':'{{ computer_id }}'},partition_parameter_kw={'custom_domain':'{{ custom_domain }}','enable_cache':'true','type':'zope','url':'{{ erp5_url.stdout }}', 'path':'erp5/',},shared=True, software_type='custom-personal',)" | slapos console
when: cert_folder.stat.exists == False
register: request_slave
failed_when: "'error' in request_slave.stdout"
- template: src=request-slave-frontend.j2 dest=/opt/kdbox/ mode=644
ssl_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', '/opt/kdbox/dehydrated/certs/{{ custom_domain }}/privkey.pem') }}"
ssl_crt_content: "{{ lookup('file', '/opt/kdbox/dehydrated/certs/{{ custom_domain }}/cert.pem') }}"
ssl_ca_crt_content: "{{ lookup('file', '/opt/kdbox/dehydrated/certs/{{ custom_domain }}/chain.pem') }}"
when: cert_folder.stat.exists == True
- name: Update slave frontend certificate
shell: "cat /opt/kdbox/ | slapos console"
register: output
when: cert_folder.stat.exists == True and kdbox_ok == False
failed_when: "'error' in output.stderr.lower()"
- debug: msg="{{ output }}"
- file: path=/opt/kdbox/kdbox_ok state=touch
when: cert_folder.stat.exists == True
- name: Caddy frontend supply ---
shell: slapos supply {{ frontend_software_release_url }} {{ computer_id }}
when : slapos_cfg.stat.exists == True - stat: path=/opt/kdbox/frontend_requested
args: register: frontend_requested
creates: /opt/supply_check_file
- stat: path=/opt/kdbox/frontend_supplied
- name : requesting Caddy frontend istance register: frontend_supplied
shell: echo "request('{{ frontend_software_release_url }}', '{{ frontend_instance_name }}',filter_kw={'computer_guid':'{{ computer_id}}'}, partition_parameter_kw={'-sla-1-computer_guid':'{{ computer_id }}','domain':'{{ domain_name }}','public-ipv4':'{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}',}, software_type='custom-personal',)" | slapos console
when: supply_is_done == True - name: Caddy frontend supply
shell: slapos supply {{ frontend_software_release_url }} {{ computer_id }}
when: slapos_cfg.stat.exists == True and frontend_supplied.stat.exists == False
- name: Frontend is supplied
file: path=/opt/kdbox/frontend_supplied state=touch
- name: Requesting Caddy frontend instance
shell: echo "request('{{ frontend_software_release_url }}', '{{ frontend_instance_name }}', filter_kw={'computer_guid':'{{ computer_id}}'}, partition_parameter_kw={'-sla-1-computer_guid':'{{ computer_id }}','domain':'{{ domain_name }}','public-ipv4':'{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}',}, software_type='custom-personal',)" | slapos console
when: frontend_supplied.stat.exists == True and frontend_requested.stat.exists == False
register: output
failed_when: "'error' in output.stderr.lower()"
- name: Frontend is requested
file: path=/opt/kdbox/frontend_requested state=touch
--- ---
- file: path=/opt/kdbox state=directory mode=0755
- stat: path="/opt/kdbox/kdbox_ok"
register: kdbox_is_ok
- name: register needed variables
computer_id: "{{ lookup('ini','computer_id section=slapos file=/etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg') }}"
domain_name: "{{ lookup('file', '/opt/kdbox/cdn_domain_name') }}"
custom_domain: "{{ lookup('file', '/opt/kdbox/cdn_custom_domain') }}"
kdbox_ok: "{{ kdbox_is_ok.stat.exists }}"
- include: deploy.yml
- name: Check if client configuration exists already - name: Check if client configuration exists already
stat: path=/etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg stat: path=/etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg
register: slapos_cfg register: slapos_cfg
failed_when: slapos_cfg.stat.exists == False failed_when: slapos_cfg.stat.exists == False
- name: check if supply is done
stat: path=/opt/supply_check_file
register: supply_check
- name: register computer ID - name: check if request is done
set_fact: stat: path=/opt/kdbox/request_is_done
computer_id: "{{ lookup('ini','computer_id section=slapos file=/etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg') }}" register: request_done
# verify software supply
- name: register supply status
supply_is_done: "{{ supply_check.stat.exists }}"
- include: webrunner.yml - include: webrunner.yml
- include: frontend.yml - include: frontend.yml
- include: frontend-slave-instance.yml - include: frontend-slave-instance.yml
# find Caddy ip to be used for port forwarding # find Caddy ip to be used for port forwarding
- name: Get Caddy local IP - name: Get Caddy local IP
shell: grep bind /srv/slapgrid/slappart*/etc/Caddyfile | cut -d ' ' -f4 | head -n1 shell: grep bind /srv/slapgrid/slappart*/etc/Caddyfile | cut -d ' ' -f4 | head -n1
...@@ -39,8 +44,6 @@ ...@@ -39,8 +44,6 @@
register: forward_result register: forward_result
changed_when: forward_result.stdout != "port forwarding process already running" changed_when: forward_result.stdout != "port forwarding process already running"
# file created when software supply is done # generate signed certificate with letsencrypt
- name: "create software_supply_check_file" - include: dehydrated.yml
path: "/opt/supply_check_file"
state: touch
- name: webrunner supply ---
shell: slapos supply {{ webrunner_software_release_url }} {{ computer_id }}
when : slapos_cfg.stat.exists == True - stat: path=/opt/kdbox/webrunner_requested
args: register: webrunner_requested
creates: /opt/supply_check_file
- stat: path=/opt/kdbox/webrunner_supplied
- name: requesting webrunner instance register: webrunner_supplied
shell: echo "request('{{ webrunner_software_release_url }}', '{{ webrunner_instance_name }}', partition_parameter_kw={'-sla-runner0-computer_guid':'{{ computer_id }}','-sla-runner1-computer_guid':'{{ computer_id }}',}, software_type='resilient',)" | slapos console
when: supply_is_done == True - name: webrunner supply
shell: slapos supply {{ webrunner_software_release_url }} {{ computer_id }}
when : slapos_cfg.stat.exists == True and webrunner_supplied.stat.exists == False
- name: Webrunner is supplied
file: path=/opt/kdbox/webrunner_supplied state=touch
- name: requesting webrunner instance
shell: echo "request('{{ webrunner_software_release_url }}', '{{ webrunner_instance_name }}', partition_parameter_kw={'-sla-runner0-computer_guid':'{{ computer_id }}','-sla-runner1-computer_guid':'{{ computer_id }}', 'auto-deploy':'true', 'auto-deploy-instance':'true', 'autorun':'true', 'slapos-software':'software/erp5',}, software_type='resilient',)" | slapos console
when: webrunner_supplied.stat.exists == True and webrunner_requested.stat.exists == False
failed_when: "'error' in output.stderr.lower()"
register: output
- name: webrunner is requested
file: path=/opt/kdbox/webrunner_requested state=touch
when: output is defined
PWD=$({{ role_path }}/files/kdbox-param '{{ webrunner_instance_name }}' pwd)
if [ -z "$PWD" ]; then
echo "ERP5 KDBox is not ready yet!"
exit 1
echo "KDBOX is ready"
echo "URL: https://{{ custom_domain }}/"
echo "Init username: zope"
echo "Init password: $PWD"
parameters = {
"custom_domain": "{{ custom_domain }}",
"enable_cache": "true",
"path": "erp5/",
"type": "zope",
"url": "{{ erp5_url.stdout }}",
"https-only": "true"
parameters["ssl_key"] = """{{ ssl_key_content }}"""
parameters["ssl_crt"] = """{{ ssl_crt_content }}"""
parameters["ssl_ca_crt"] = """{{ ssl_ca_crt_content }}"""
"{{ frontend_software_release_url }}",
"{{ custom_domain }}-slave",
filter_kw={'computer_guid':'{{ computer_id }}'}
frontend_software_release_url: frontend_software_release_url:
frontend_slave_backend_url: https://[2401:5180:0:38::7377]:2152
#recupuration de frontend_slave_backend_url à automatiser
re6st_annon: False re6st_annon: False
#variable crée pour desactiver le RADVD #variable crée pour desactiver le RADVD
enable_router_advertisement: False enable_router_advertisement: False
re6st_fingerprint: sha256:499a44702d687e968c047d28e33f59e5c3bae71a38619dc730152a3557c20301 re6st_fingerprint: sha256:499a44702d687e968c047d28e33f59e5c3bae71a38619dc730152a3557c20301
re6st_registry_url: re6st_registry_url:
webrunner_software_release_url: webrunner_software_release_url:
frontend_instance_name: FRONTEND-kdboxtest frontend_instance_name: kdbox-main-FRONTEND
webrunner_instance_name: webrunner-1 webrunner_instance_name: kdbox-resilient-webrunner
frontend_instance_slave_name : My-ERP5
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