Commit 23153b73 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

testnode: propagate test_node_title to runUnitTest

runUnitTest accept a --test_node_title argument, which is used in
createTestResult API call, so that task distributor can keep track of which
node executed which task, but since it was not passed, we did not know which
test node executed which test result line.
parent 3438bb87
......@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ class UnitTestRunner(object):
invocation_list += (run_test_suite_path,
'--master_url', portal_url,
'--revision', node_test_suite.revision,
'--test_node_title', config['test_node_title'],
'--test_suite', node_test_suite.test_suite,
'--test_suite_title', node_test_suite.test_suite_title)
soft = config['slapos_directory'] + '/soft/'
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