kvm-export.sh.jinja2 1.1 KB
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# Create a backup of the disk image of the virtual machine
export LC_ALL
BACKUP_DIR={{ directory['backup'] }}

QMP_CLIENT={{ buildout['directory'] }}/software_release/bin/qemu-qmp-client

$QMP_CLIENT --socket {{ socket_path }} --drive-backup $BACKUP_DIR/$BACKUP_FILE

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# Due to the way qmp works, the VM file cannot be compressed on the fly.
# Although the compression step is optional, the importer uses the .gz file
# if present. So, remove it if you are disabling the compression.

# The downside of compression, here, is the temporary usage of more disk space
# in the exporter node. The goal is to minimize disk usage on the PBS server.

# If you want to compress the file in-place:
# truncate -s $(gzip -c $BACKUP_FILE | dd of=$BACKUP_FILE conv=notrunc 2>&1 | sed -n '$ s/ .*$// p') $BACKUP_FILE
# but the importer script would have to be adapted.

echo "Compressing backup..."
{{ gzip_binary }} --force --rsyncable $BACKUP_DIR/$BACKUP_FILE

cd $BACKUP_DIR && find -type f ! -name backup.signature -print0 | xargs -0 sha256sum | LC_ALL=C sort -k 66 > backup.signature