• Lin Jen-Shin's avatar
    Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into show-status-from-branch · 6a00cf1b
    Lin Jen-Shin authored
    * upstream/master: (74 commits)
      Clarify the author field for the changelog documentation
      Add and update .gitignore & .gitlab-ci.yml templates for 8.14
      Update "Installation from source" guide for 8.14.0
      Add CHANGELOG entries for latest patches
      Merge branch 'fix/import-export-symlink-vulnerability' into 'security'
      Merge branch 'fix/import-projectmember-security' into 'security'
      Use stubs instead of modifying global states
      Add changelog instructions to CHANGELOG.md
      Try not to include anything globally!
      Update help banner for bin/changelog
      Add a `--force` option to bin/changelog
      Update examples in changelog docs to use single quotes around title
      Use the server's base URL without relative URL part when creating links in JIRA
      Update docs and test description
      Update docs and unexpose token
      Make ESLint ignore instrumented files for coverage analysis (!7236)
      Initialize form validation on new group form.
      Check that JavaScript file names match convention (!7238)
      Unchange username_validator.
      Move snake_case to camelCase.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags..