Commit 77d15aff authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@master

parent 8b5c2a45
......@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ gem 'lograge', '~> 0.5'
gem 'grape_logging', '~> 1.7'
# DNS Lookup
gem 'gitlab-net-dns', '~> 0.9.1', require: 'net/dns'
gem 'gitlab-net-dns', '~> 0.9.1'
# Countries list
gem 'countries', '~> 3.0'
......@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ class UserHighestRole < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user, optional: false
validates :highest_access_level, allow_nil: true, inclusion: { in: Gitlab::Access.all_values }
scope :with_highest_access_level, -> (highest_access_level) { where(highest_access_level: highest_access_level) }
......@@ -11,4 +11,22 @@ class UsersStatistics < ApplicationRecord
def highest_role_stats
return unless Feature.enabled?(:users_statistics)
owner: batch_count_for_access_level(Gitlab::Access::OWNER),
maintainer: batch_count_for_access_level(Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER),
developer: batch_count_for_access_level(Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER),
reporter: batch_count_for_access_level(Gitlab::Access::REPORTER),
guest: batch_count_for_access_level(Gitlab::Access::GUEST)
def batch_count_for_access_level(access_level)
......@@ -63,6 +63,10 @@ class ErrorTrackingIssueLinkWorker # rubocop:disable Scalability/IdempotentWorke
.find { |repo| repo.project_id == issue.project_id && repo.status == 'active' }
rescue Sentry::Client::Error => e"Unable to retrieve Sentry repo for organization #{organization_slug}, id #{sentry_issue_id}, with error: #{e.message}")
def organization_slug
title: Add metric to derive new users count
merge_request: 27351
type: added
......@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ module Gitlab
config.active_record.sqlite3.represent_boolean_as_integer = true
config.autoloader = :zeitwerk
# Sidekiq uses eager loading, but directories not in the standard Rails
# directories must be added to the eager load paths:
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Rails.application.configure do
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
# Don't make a mess when bootstrapping a development environment
config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = (ENV['BOOTSTRAP'] != '1')
config.action_mailer.preview_path = Rails.root.join('app', 'mailers', 'previews')
config.action_mailer.preview_path = 'app/mailers/previews'
config.eager_load = false
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Rails.application.configure do
# Print deprecation notices to the stderr
config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr
config.eager_load = false
config.eager_load = true
config.cache_store = :null_store
require_dependency 'gitlab'
# frozen_string_literal: true
Rails.autoloaders.each do |autoloader|
# We need to ignore these since these are non-Ruby files
# that do not define Ruby classes / modules
# Ignore generators since these are loaded manually by Rails
autoloader.ignore(Rails.root.join('ee/lib/generators')) if
# Mailer previews are also loaded manually by Rails
autoloader.ignore(Rails.root.join('ee/app/mailers/previews')) if
# Ignore these files because these are only used in Rake tasks
# and are not available in production
'authenticates_2fa_for_admin_mode' => 'Authenticates2FAForAdminMode',
'api' => 'API',
'api_guard' => 'APIGuard',
'group_api_compatibility' => 'GroupAPICompatibility',
'project_api_compatibility' => 'ProjectAPICompatibility',
'cte' => 'CTE',
'recursive_cte' => 'RecursiveCTE',
'cidr' => 'CIDR',
'cli' => 'CLI',
'dn' => 'DN',
'hmac_token' => 'HMACToken',
'html' => 'HTML',
'html_parser' => 'HTMLParser',
'html_gitlab' => 'HTMLGitlab',
'http' => 'HTTP',
'http_connection_adapter' => 'HTTPConnectionAdapter',
'http_clone_enabled_check' => 'HTTPCloneEnabledCheck',
'chunked_io' => 'ChunkedIO',
'http_io' => 'HttpIO',
'json' => 'JSON',
'json_formatter' => 'JSONFormatter',
'json_web_token' => 'JSONWebToken',
'as_json' => 'AsJSON',
'ldap_key' => 'LDAPKey',
'mr_note' => 'MRNote',
'pdf' => 'PDF',
'rsa_token' => 'RSAToken',
'san_extension' => 'SANExtension',
'sca' => 'SCA',
'spdx' => 'SPDX',
'sql' => 'SQL',
'ssh_key' => 'SSHKey',
'ssh_key_with_user' => 'SSHKeyWithUser',
'ssh_public_key' => 'SSHPublicKey',
'git_push_ssh_proxy' => 'GitPushSSHProxy',
'git_user_default_ssh_config_check' => 'GitUserDefaultSSHConfigCheck',
'binary_stl' => 'BinarySTL',
'text_stl' => 'TextSTL',
'svg' => 'SVG',
'function_uri' => 'FunctionURI'
......@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
require 'settingslogic'
require 'digest/md5'
# We can not use `Rails.root` here, as this file might be loaded without the
# full Rails environment being loaded. We can not use `require_relative` either,
# as Rails uses `load` for `require_dependency` (used when loading the Rails
# environment). This could then lead to this file being loaded twice.
require_dependency File.expand_path('../lib/gitlab', __dir__)
class Settings < Settingslogic
source ENV.fetch('GITLAB_CONFIG') {'..', __dir__)).join('config/gitlab.yml') }
namespace ENV.fetch('GITLAB_ENV') { Rails.env }
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Certificate:
Subject: CN=Gitlab User,
### Authentication against a local database with X.509 certificates and SAN extensions **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
### Authentication against a local database with X.509 certificates and SAN extension
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 12.3.
......@@ -135,6 +135,12 @@ attribute. As a prerequisite, you must use an LDAP server that:
listen *:3444 ssl;
- It can also be configured to run on a different hostname:
listen ssl;
- The additional NGINX server context must be configured to require the client
side certificate:
......@@ -156,7 +162,7 @@ attribute. As a prerequisite, you must use an LDAP server that:
server {
listen *:3444 ssl;
listen ssl;
# certificate for configuring SSL
ssl_certificate /path/to/;
......@@ -195,10 +201,16 @@ attribute. As a prerequisite, you must use an LDAP server that:
# Path to a file containing a CA certificate
ca_file: '/etc/ssl/certs/CA.pem'
# Port where the client side certificate is requested by NGINX
client_certificate_required_port: 3444
# Host and port where the client side certificate is requested by the
# webserver (NGINX/Apache)
client_certificate_required_port: 3443
NOTE: **Note**
Assign a value to at least one of the following variables:
`client_certificate_required_host` or `client_certificate_required_port`.
1. Save the file and [restart](../
GitLab for the changes to take effect.
......@@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ but commented out to help encourage others to add to it in the future. -->
|ldap_users: 0|usage_activity_by_stage|manage|
......@@ -350,6 +350,14 @@ You can [award an emoji](../../ to that epic or its comments.
You can [turn on notifications](../../profile/ to be alerted about epic events.
## Limits
This section gives an overview of limits of Epics and an overview of their background.
### Description and comment length
See [Issues: Description and comment length](../../project/issues/
<!-- ## Troubleshooting
Include any troubleshooting steps that you can foresee. If you know beforehand what issues
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ Issues are the fundamental medium for collaborating on ideas and planning work i
## Overview
The GitLab issue tracker is an advanced tool for collaboratively developing ideas, solving problems, and planning work.
The GitLab issue tracker is an advanced tool for collaboratively developing ideas, solving problems,
and planning work.
Issues can allow sharing and discussion of proposals before, and during,
their implementation between:
......@@ -116,8 +117,8 @@ You can sort a list of issues in several ways, for example by issue creation dat
![Issue board](img/issue_board.png)
[Issue boards](../ are Kanban boards with columns that display issues based on their labels
or their assignees**(PREMIUM)**. They offer the flexibility to manage issues using
[Issue boards](../ are Kanban boards with columns that display issues based on their
labels or their assignees**(PREMIUM)**. They offer the flexibility to manage issues using
highly customizable workflows.
You can reorder issues within a column. If you drag an issue card to another column, its
......@@ -200,3 +201,18 @@ Feature.enable(:save_issuable_health_status)
- [Issues API](../../../api/
- Configure an [external issue tracker](../../../integration/
such as Jira, Redmine, or Bugzilla.
## Limits
This section gives an overview of limits of Issues and an overview of their background.
### Description and comment length
> Introduced in [GitLab 12.2](
Descriptions and comments on [issuable](../../../development/ can be no
longer than 1 million characters.
Previously, there was no limit to issuable description size, which created a
[possibility of a DoS attack]( by allowing
very long descriptions. It's possible that we will set this limit to a lower number in the future.
......@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ to source code that exist as commits on a given Git branch.
![Merge request view](img/merge_request.png)
A Merge Request (**MR**) is the basis of GitLab as a code collaboration and version
control platform. It is as simple as the name implies: a _request_ to _merge_ one
control platform. It's exactly as the name implies: a _request_ to _merge_ one
branch into another.
## Use cases
A. Consider you are a software developer working in a team:
A. Consider you're a software developer working in a team:
1. You checkout a new branch, and submit your changes through a merge request
1. You gather feedback from your team
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ So far, the navigation tabs present in merge requests to display **Discussion**,
To facilitate this navigation without having to scroll up and down through the page
to find these tabs, based on user feedback, we are experimenting with a new positioning
to find these tabs, based on user feedback, we're experimenting with a new positioning
of these tabs. They are now located at the top of the merge request, with a new
**Overview** tab, containing the description of the merge request followed by the
widget. Next to **Overview**, you can find **Pipelines**, **Commits**, and **Changes**.
......@@ -124,3 +124,11 @@ There are two main ways to have a merge request flow with GitLab:
1. Working with forks of an authoritative project
[Learn more about the authorization for merge requests.](
## Limits
This section gives an overview of limits of Merge Requests and an overview of their background.
### Description and comment length
See [Issues: Description and comment length](../issues/
# frozen_string_literal: true
return if Rails.env.production?
module Gitlab
module Graphql
module Docs
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'gitlab/graphql/docs/helper'
return if Rails.env.production?
module Gitlab
module Graphql
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'webrick'
require 'prometheus/client/rack/exporter'
module Gitlab
module Metrics
module Exporter
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
return if Rails.env.production?
require 'graphql/rake_task'
require 'gitlab/graphql/docs/renderer'
namespace :gitlab do
OUTPUT_DIR = Rails.root.join("doc/api/graphql/reference")
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# We don't have auto-loading here
require_relative '../lib/gitlab'
require_relative '../lib/gitlab/popen'
require_relative '../lib/gitlab/popen/runner'
......@@ -3,5 +3,13 @@
FactoryBot.define do
factory :user_highest_role do
trait :maintainer do
highest_access_level { Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER }
trait :developer do
highest_access_level { Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER }
......@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ require_relative '../config/settings'
require_relative 'support/rspec'
require 'active_support/all'
unless ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.frozen?
ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths << 'lib'
ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths << 'ee/lib'
ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths << 'lib'
ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths << 'ee/lib'
ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = 'Nokogiri'
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
require 'fogbugz'
describe Gitlab::FogbugzImport::Importer do
let(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo) }
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
require 'gitlab/graphql/docs/renderer'
describe Gitlab::Graphql::Docs::Renderer do
describe '#contents' do
......@@ -10,4 +10,20 @@ describe UserHighestRole do
describe 'validations' do
it { validate_inclusion_of(:highest_access_level).in_array([nil, *Gitlab::Access.all_values]) }
describe 'scopes' do
describe '.with_highest_access_level' do
let(:developer_access_level) { Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER }
let!(:developer) { create(:user_highest_role, :developer) }
let!(:another_developer) { create(:user_highest_role, :developer) }
let!(:maintainer) { create(:user_highest_role, :maintainer) }
it 'only returns entry for developer access level' do
expect(described_class.with_highest_access_level(developer_access_level)).to contain_exactly(
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'fast_spec_helper'
require_relative '../../app/services/service_response'
ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths << 'app/services'
describe ServiceResponse do
describe '.success' do
......@@ -95,5 +95,19 @@ describe ErrorTrackingIssueLinkWorker do
it_behaves_like 'attempts to create a link via plugin'
context 'when Sentry repos request errors' do
it 'falls back to creating a link via plugin' do
expect_next_instance_of(Sentry::Client) do |client|
expect(client).to receive(:repos).with('sentry-org').and_raise(Sentry::Client::Error)
.to receive(:create_issue_link)
.with(nil, sentry_issue.sentry_issue_identifier, issue)
expect(subject).to be true
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