Commit 9be17322 authored by Pawel Chojnacki's avatar Pawel Chojnacki

add comment explaining use of shell commands and file operations in the same methods

parent 6ac0a142
......@@ -77,6 +77,13 @@ module Gitlab
storages_paths&.dig(storage_name, 'path')
# All below test methods use shell commands to perform actions on storage volumes.
# In case a storage volume have connectivity problems causing pure Ruby IO operation to wait indefinitely,
# we can rely on shell commands to be terminated once `timeout` kills them.
# However we also fallback to pure Ruby file operations in case a specific shell command is missing
# so we are still able to perform healthchecks and gather metrics from such system.
def delete_test_file(tmp_path)
_, status = exec_with_timeout(%W{ rm -f #{tmp_path} })
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