Commit e656937b authored by Rémy Coutable's avatar Rémy Coutable

Merge branch 'use_helper_method' into 'master'

Use method helper instead of add_template_helper

On my opinion, better to use method `helper` instead of `add_template_helper`.
Maybe there is reason doing it here. could you please explain if yes?

See merge request !7315
parents 9c00e765 2b4700b2
No related merge requests found
class BaseMailer < ActionMailer::Base
add_template_helper ApplicationHelper
add_template_helper GitlabMarkdownHelper
helper ApplicationHelper
helper GitlabMarkdownHelper
attr_accessor :current_user
helper_method :current_user, :can?
......@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ class Notify < BaseMailer
include Emails::Pipelines
include Emails::Members
add_template_helper MergeRequestsHelper
add_template_helper DiffHelper
add_template_helper BlobHelper
add_template_helper EmailsHelper
add_template_helper MembersHelper
add_template_helper GitlabRoutingHelper
helper MergeRequestsHelper
helper DiffHelper
helper BlobHelper
helper EmailsHelper
helper MembersHelper
helper GitlabRoutingHelper
def test_email(recipient_email, subject, body)
mail(to: recipient_email,
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