1. 05 Nov, 2020 12 commits
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      stack/nxdtest · 1b806a0d
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Currently Nexedi takes mostly a copy-paste approach when it comes to
      organizing bin/runTestSuite and an instance to run this inside testnode:
          kirr@deco:~/src/wendelin/slapos/slapos-master$ git ls-files |grep runTestSuite
      and adding new tests to be run this way will only increase the entropy.
      Let's stop this, at least for new tests, and use a uniform approach without copying:
      1) I've created nxdtest tool[1] which allows a project to specify in
         declarative way how to test itself: given such declaration nxdtest
         takes on itself the responsibility to communicate with testnode
         master, to drive test commands spawning etc, and leaves to the
         project only semantic part that is specific to the particular
         Nxdtest is based on my go/neo/t/nxd/runTestSuite[2,3] and on the code
         I've seen elsewhere scattered in other runTestSuite.in files.
      2) Let's add stack/nxdtest.cfg to SlapOS that provides easy way for a
         software or component to organize testing of itself.
      This patch adds stack/nxdtest and migrates software/neotest to use it
      (because stack/nxdtest is based on it and this way it helps to track the
      In the following patches we will add testing support for pygolang,
      zodbtools and wendelin.core .
      [1] https://lab.nexedi.com/kirr/nxdtest/blob/master/nxdtest
      [2] kirr/neo@51b18490
      [3] kirr/neo@f67c147d
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      golang: Provide ${go:exe} · 4b72b606
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      ${go:exe} is standalone executable that runs go in activated gowork environment.
      It is handy to use in recipes where one cannot source ${gowork:env} -
      in particular parts with recipe=zc.recipe.egg
      Wendelin.core 2 will use `GO=${go:exe}` in its build environment.
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      wendelin.core: Add pygolang · fddd9237
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Starting from 0.14 (aka 2) wendelin.core requires pygolang to be present
      both at runtime and at build time.
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      neotest: v↑ everything *.go · 48e7ef89
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Update lab.nexedi.com/kirr/neo.git and lab.nexedi.com/kirr/go123 to latest.
      Update all other go packages.
      The update puls in the following new dependencies:
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      zodbtools: v↑ (0.0.0.dev4 -> 0.0.0.dev8) · a7071493
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Going from 0.0.0.dev4 to -> 0.0.0.dev8 zodbtools:
      - Stabilized `zodb dump` format and layed ground for `zodb restore`;
      - Taught `zodb analyze` to work with any ZODB storage (instead of being
        FileStorage-only tool) and to analyze a particular range of history
        (instead of crunching data for days on a large database);
      - Added `zodb commit` tool that is handy in testing;
      - Added ability to specify tid ranges in human-readable format, as in
        e.g. `zodb analyze data.fs 2018-01-01T10:30:00Z..yesterday`.
      - Progressed on Python3 support.
      See https://pypi.org/project/zodbtools/#zodbtools-change-history
      for details.
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      zodbtools: v↑ zodburi (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0) · 3d32576b
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Close to non-functional change, but removes PendingDeprecationWarning
      about cgi.parse_qsl
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      pygolang: v↑ (0.0.0.dev4 -> 0.0.7.post1) · 56cb462c
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      0.0.0.dev4 to 0.0.7.post1 goes a long way. See
      https://pypi.org/project/pygolang/#pygolang-change-history for details.
      Recent pygolang is needed for wendelin.core 2.
      Zodbtools also uses it starting from v0.0.0.dev5.
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      ZEO: Factor it to separate component · 2e20d7ba
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      We already patch ZEO4 with TCP_NODELAY patch (see 5cf4cf1f "ERP5:
      enable TCP_NODELAY for ZEO") and we will need to backport more patches
      to ZEO4 branch for wendelin.core 2 to work correctly.
      It's not only software/neoppod which uses ZEO, and it is not convenient for
      all other software-releases to inherit from neoppod to use correct
      version and build of ZEO egg. For this reason factor out details of ZEO
      egg building into component/ZEO and let users use ${ZEO:egg} where ZEO
      is needed. This way ZEO will be correctly installed for all users.
      This patch should be a non-functional change. We switch to
      nexedi/ZEO@5114f909 revision which corresponds to ZEO 4.3.1 +
      Adding other patches to ZEO4 needed by wendelin.core 2 will be done as a
      separate step.
  2. 02 Nov, 2020 1 commit
  3. 30 Oct, 2020 1 commit
  4. 29 Oct, 2020 5 commits
  5. 28 Oct, 2020 3 commits
  6. 27 Oct, 2020 12 commits
  7. 26 Oct, 2020 4 commits
  8. 23 Oct, 2020 1 commit
  9. 22 Oct, 2020 1 commit
    • Léo-Paul Géneau's avatar
      fix/proftpd: socket created in software · 5a5e0168
      Léo-Paul Géneau authored
      When proftpd software release is tested locally, the socket named /srv/slapgrid/slappart76/srv/runner/instance/slappart1/tmp/soft/91d420e3970a2088e648d2eb86e155ea/parts/prof is created but never removed.
      First it is not an appropriated directory to create a socket and then not removing this socket leads to an error if tests are run a second time :
      subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '('ldd', '/srv/slapgrid/slappart76/srv/runner/instance/sla
      ppart1/tmp/soft/91d420e3970a2088e648d2eb86e155ea/parts/prof')' returned non-zero exit status 1.
      Ran 0 tests in 9.914s
      FAILED (errors=1)
      This is due to code in https://github.com/proftpd/proftpd/blob/master/src/ctrls.c :
      const char *socket_path = PR_RUN_DIR "/test.sock"; // socket_path="/srv/slapgrid/slappart76/srv/runner/instance/slappart1/tmp/soft/91d420e3970a2088e648d2eb86e155ea/parts/proftp/var/test.sock"
      sstrncpy(sockun.sun_path, socket_path, sizeof(sockun.sun_path)); // sockun.sun_path="/srv/slapgrid/slappart76/srv/runner/instance/slappart1/tmp/soft/91d420e3970a2088e648d2eb86e155ea/parts/prof"
      where `sun_path` is limited to UNIX_PATH_MAX (108 characters): char sun_path[UNIX_PATH_MAX]; https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/include/uapi/linux/un.h#L9