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Base resilient stack

This stack is meant to be extended by SR profiles, or other stacks, that need to provide
automated backup/restore, election of backup candidates, and instance failover.

As reference implementations, both stack/lamp and stack/lapp define resilient behavior for
MySQL and Postgres respectively.

This involves three different software_types:

 * pull-backup
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14 15
 * {mysoftware}_export
 * {mysoftware}_import

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where 'mysoftware' is the component that needs resiliency (can be postgres, mysql, erp5, and so on).
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41


This software type is defined in

and there should be no reason to modify or extend it.

An instance of type 'pull-backup' will receive data from an 'export' instance and immediately populate an 'import' instance.
The backup data is automatically used to build an historical, incremental archive in srv/backup/pbs.



This is the *active* instance - the one providing live data to the application.

A backup is run via the bin/exporter script: it will
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     1) run bin/{mysoftware}-backup
43 44 45 46
 and 2) notify the pull-backup instance that data is ready.

The pull-backup, upon receiving the notification, will make a copy of the data and transmit it to the 'import' instances.

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You should provide the bin/{mysoftware}-exporter script, see for instance
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

By default, as defined in
the bin/exporter script is run every 60 minutes.



This is the *fallback* instance - the one that can be activated and thus become active.
Any number of import instances can be used. Deciding which one should take over can be done manually
or through a monitoring + election script.

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Marco Mariani committed
You should provide the bin/{mysoftware}-importer script, see for instance
69 70 71 72 73 74

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In practice

Add resilience to your software

Let's say you already have a file that instantiates your
software. In which there is a part [mysoftware] where there is the main recipe
that instantiates the program.

You need to create two new files, and, following this layout:


extends = ${instance-mysoftware:output}

parts +=

recipe = YourImportRecipe
wrapper = $${rootdirectory:bin}/$${slap-parameter:namebase}-importer
backup-directory = $${directory:backup}


extends = ${instance-mysoftware:output}

parts +=

recipe = YourExportRecipe
wrapper = $${rootdirectory:bin}/$${slap-parameter:namebase}-exporter
backup-directory = $${directory:backup}

In the [exporter] / [importer] part, you are free to do whatever you want, but
you need to dump / import your data from $${directory:backup} and specify a
wrapper. I suggest you only add options and specify your export/import recipe.


Finally, and need to be downloaded and accessible by
switch_softwaretype, and you need to extend stack/resilient/buildout.cfg and
stack/resilient/switchsoftware.cfg to download the whole resiliency bundle.

Here is how it's done in the mariadb case for the lamp stack:

 ** buildout.cfg **

extends =

recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/mariadb/
output = ${buildout:directory}/instance-mariadb-import.cfg
md5sum = ...
mode = 0644

recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/mariadb/
output = ${buildout:directory}/instance-mariadb-export.cfg
md5sum = ...
mode = 0644

 ** **

extends =

mariadb = ${instance-mariadb:output}
mariadb-import = ${instance-mariadb-import:output}
mariadb-export = ${instance-mariadb-export:output}

Then, in the .cfg file where you want to instantiate your software, you can do, instead of requesting your software

 * *

parts +=
  {{ parts.replicate("Name","3") }}



{{ replicated.replicate("Name", "3",
                        "mysoftware-export", "mysoftware-import",
                        "ArgLeader","ArgBackup") }}

and it'll expend into the sections require to request Name0, Name1 and Name2,
backuped and resilient. The leader will expend the section [ArgLeader], backups
will expend [ArgBackup]. If you don't need to specify any options, you can
omit the last two arguments in replicate().

Since you will compile your template with jinja2, there should be no $${},
because it is not yet possible to use jinja2 -> buildout template.

To compile with jinja2, see jinja2's recipe.