Commit 4b564bbe authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

software/theia/test: simplify a test by using self.addCleanup

parent 28c25f43
......@@ -391,52 +391,49 @@ class TestTheiaEnv(TheiaTestCase):
# Start a theia shell that inherits the environment of the theia process
# This simulates the environment of a shell launched from the browser application
theia_shell_process = pexpect.spawnu('{}/bin/theia-shell'.format(self.getPath()), env=theia_env)
theia_shell_process.expect_exact('Standalone SlapOS for computer `slaprunner` activated')
# Launch slapos node software from theia shell
theia_shell_process.sendline('slapos node software')
theia_shell_process.expect('Installing software release %s' % self.dummy_software_path)
theia_shell_process.expect('Finished software releases.')
# Get the theia shell environment
with open(env_json_path) as f:
theia_shell_env = json.load(f)
# Remove the env.json file to later be sure that a new one has been generated
# Launch slapos node software service from the embedded supervisord.
# Note that we have two services, slapos-node-software and slapos-node-software-all
# The later uses --all which is what we want to use here, because the software
# is already installed and we want to install it again, this time from supervisor
embedded_run_path = self.getPath('srv', 'runner', 'var', 'run')
embedded_supervisord_socket_path = _getSupervisordSocketPath(embedded_run_path, self.logger)
with getSupervisorRPC(embedded_supervisord_socket_path) as embedded_supervisor:
previous_stop_time = embedded_supervisor.getProcessInfo('slapos-node-software-all')['stop']
for _retries in range(20):
if embedded_supervisor.getProcessInfo('slapos-node-software-all')['stop'] != previous_stop_time:
else:"the supervisord service 'slapos-node-software-all' takes too long to finish")
# Get the supervisord environment
with open(env_json_path) as f:
supervisord_env = json.load(f)
# Compare relevant variables from both environments
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertEqual(theia_shell_env['PATH'].split(':'), supervisord_env['PATH'].split(':'))
self.assertEqual(theia_shell_env['SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION'], supervisord_env['SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION'])
self.assertEqual(theia_shell_env['SLAPOS_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION'], supervisord_env['SLAPOS_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION'])
self.assertEqual(theia_shell_env['HOME'], supervisord_env['HOME'])
# Cleanup the theia shell process
theia_shell_process.expect_exact('Standalone SlapOS for computer `slaprunner` activated')
# Launch slapos node software from theia shell
theia_shell_process.sendline('slapos node software')
theia_shell_process.expect('Installing software release %s' % self.dummy_software_path)
theia_shell_process.expect('Finished software releases.')
# Get the theia shell environment
with open(env_json_path) as f:
theia_shell_env = json.load(f)
# Remove the env.json file to later be sure that a new one has been generated
# Launch slapos node software service from the embedded supervisord.
# Note that we have two services, slapos-node-software and slapos-node-software-all
# The later uses --all which is what we want to use here, because the software
# is already installed and we want to install it again, this time from supervisor
embedded_run_path = self.getPath('srv', 'runner', 'var', 'run')
embedded_supervisord_socket_path = _getSupervisordSocketPath(embedded_run_path, self.logger)
with getSupervisorRPC(embedded_supervisord_socket_path) as embedded_supervisor:
previous_stop_time = embedded_supervisor.getProcessInfo('slapos-node-software-all')['stop']
for _retries in range(20):
if embedded_supervisor.getProcessInfo('slapos-node-software-all')['stop'] != previous_stop_time:
else:"the supervisord service 'slapos-node-software-all' takes too long to finish")
# Get the supervisord environment
with open(env_json_path) as f:
supervisord_env = json.load(f)
# Compare relevant variables from both environments
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertEqual(theia_shell_env['PATH'].split(':'), supervisord_env['PATH'].split(':'))
self.assertEqual(theia_shell_env['SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION'], supervisord_env['SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION'])
self.assertEqual(theia_shell_env['SLAPOS_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION'], supervisord_env['SLAPOS_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION'])
self.assertEqual(theia_shell_env['HOME'], supervisord_env['HOME'])
class ResilientTheiaMixin(object):
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