Commit 634c3275 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

stack/erp5: check mariadb is usable, not just that port is open

We want to wait for mysql_upgrade pseudo-service to have created users
and installed groonga, not just that something listen on the port.
parent 6900b7bc
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ md5sum = d10b8e35b02b5391cf46bf0c7dbb1196
filename =
md5sum = 0f651ae0b4f7a9d645d703070adc4801
md5sum = 63bac9fc58537e55a6c8c42d0be54fbe
filename =
......@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ config-command = "{{ parameter_dict["check-computer-memory-binary"] }}" -db ${mo
<= monitor-promise-base
module = check_command_execute
name =
config-command = "{{ parameter_dict['bin-directory'] }}/is-local-tcp-port-opened" "${my-cnf-parameters:ip}" "${my-cnf-parameters:port}"
config-command = "${binary-wrap-mysql:wrapper-path}" --execute ';' {% if database_list and database_list[0].get('user') %} --host="${my-cnf-parameters:ip}" --port="${my-cnf-parameters:port}" --user="{{ database_list[0]['user'] }}" --password="{{ database_list[0]['password'] }}" {% endif %}
monitor-httpd-ipv6 = {{ (ipv6_set | list)[0] }}
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