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2007-09-25 yo
* Set module group on portal types.

2007-09-21 Yusei
* Add open and closed states to order_workflow.

2007-09-05 Kazuhiko
* Remove packing_list.edit() from Delivery_confirm because expansion will be invoked from interaction workflow.

2007-08-13 Jerome
* Remove portal type actions that are now defined as global actions

2007-08-02 Romain
* Add InventoryConstraint

207-07-30 yo
* Add Resource_getPriceCalculationOperandDict.

2006-09-12 Romain
* Fix ReturnedSalePackingListModule_viewReturnedSalePackingListList
* Fix group's name.

2006-08-02 Romain
* Added title to some forms.

2006-07-03 Kevin
* Merge Seb's delivery_patch business template and erp5_trade.
* Revert previous action.
* Add a short basic description.

2006-05-11 Alex
* make sure the Container is indexed before checking if the delivery is packed.
* fixed name of rule used in order_interaction_workflow
* Stop using Delivery Cell on Orders and Internal Packing List (workflows are still a dumb copy of Delivery Cell's and might need to be adapted)
2006-05-10 Jerome
* Added inventory_workflow
* Hide Price & Inventory tabs if no cells on Inventory Line.
* Copy Source from Purchase Trade Condition when applying it
* Set updateAppliedRule on Purchase Line / Cell Edit
* Add Person portal type to source/destination administration/decision

2006-05-03 Romain
* Remove useless field in PurchaseTradeCondition_viewProfile.

2006-04-20 Romain
* Make supply_line_interaction_workflow compatible with Sale/Purchase Supply Line.

2006-03-09 Seb
* Fix parameters in DeliverBuilder_selectConfirmedDeliveryList

2006-03-09 Romain
* Fix history action in Purchase/Sale Supply Cell.

2006-03-08 Romain
* Added Sale Supply Line/Cell, Purchase Supply Line/Cell.
* Use proxy field for Supply.

2006-03-08 Seb
* Added script for selecting deliveries in sale_packing_list_builder

2006-03-03 Seb
* Added Returned Sale Packing List properties

2006-03-03 romain
* add proxy field in internal packing list.

2006-02-28 romain
* add proxy field in purchase trade condition, purchase order, sale packing list, purchase packing list.

2006-02-27 alex
* Added Non Discountable Additional Price and Variable Additional Price to Supply Lines

2006-02-22 kevin
* Fix bad default lisbox parameters.

2006-02-22 romain
* use proxy field in sale trade condition, sale order.

2006-02-16 jerome
* update Payment Condition forms to use souce/destination payment categories, quantity and efficiency.

2006-01-24 Seb
* call updateCausalityState with fast option in SalePackingList_copyOrderProperties
* in the case we add new lines to an existing packing_list already confirmed, do not delete data in PackingList_copyOrderProperties

2006-01-21 JPS
* Removed support for assignRoleToSecurityGroup in PackingList_copyOrderProperties and moved to dedicated script

2006-01-21 JPS
* Added support for assignRoleToSecurityGroup in PackingList_copyOrderProperties

2006-01-06 Romain
* add Delivery_viewInventory

2005-12-20 Kevin
* Update state type of packing_list_workflow, internal_packing_list_workflow and order_workflow states.

2005-12-19 Jérome
* bug fix; don't use SQLQueue in delivery_edit_workflow
* trigger delivery_edit on workflow transitions.

2005-12-19 Seb
* added category type 'sub_variation' on aggregate

2005-12-14 Seb
* use activity tags in packing_list_workflow/scripts/PackingList_updateAppliedRule

2005-12-14 jerome
* package the content of trade_date category, because PaymentCondition_getTradeDate depends on it

2005-12-11 seb
* fixed the duplicate applied rule problem in order_workflow

2005-12-08 yo
* Fix the LEFT JOIN syntax in Order_zSelectMovement.

2005-12-05 Seb
* Cleaned SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition

2005-11-30 aurel
* add aggregateMovementGroup in portal_deliveries/purchase_packing_list_builder

2005-11-30 Seb
* Renamed in portal_skins two forms:
SalePackingList_viewSolveActionsDialog to PackingList_viewSolveActionsDialog, and also the action script.

2005-11-29 aurel
* set flag "acquire permissions" on state permissions of packing_list_causality_workflow apart for building and solving

2005-11-26 Jérome
* remove permission managed by packing_list_container_workflow, they are not in use.

2005-11-23 aurel
* remove SalePackingList_getCellOrLine

2005-11-23 Romain
* change Delivery Cell Portal Type on purchase_packing_list_builder.

2005-11-23 aurel
* added SalePackingList_doSolveActions, SalePackingList_getCellOrLine and SalePackingList_viewSolveActionsDialog in order to choose solve action on sale packing list cell

2005-11-18 Alex
* added proxy manager on PurchaseOrder_selectMovement script

2005-11-18 yo
* The meta type of Internal Packing List Line was wrong.
* Remove actions.

2005-11-11 Romain
* add print on SupplyLine.
* correct SupplyLine* forms.
* Correct naming convention.

2005-11-10 Romain
* correct SupplyLine_init

2005-11-09 Romain
* modify PurchaseOrder_view, PurchasePackingList_view

2005-11-08 Romain
* added supply_line_interaction_workflow.
* modified the pricing model on SupplyLine (added and modify some skins)
* removed supply_module
* removed Supply Module, Supply
* added purchase_supply_module, sale_supply_module
* added Sale Supply, Sale Supply Module, Purchase Supply, Purchase Supply Module

2005-11-05 Romain
* dirty bug fix on Order_zSelectMovement
* configure Purchase Order Line in order to create Delivery Cell inside.
* Correct naming conventions.

2005-11-04 Romain
* correct PurchasePackingList_copyOrderProperties (replace build by startBuilding)
* modified order_workflow/scripts/Order_buildPackingList

2005-11-03 Romain
* added OrderLine_zGetRelatedQuantity

2005-11-03 Seb
* updated order_workflow and packing_list_causality workflow in order to use tags and in order to not wait until all the simulation is reindexed before creating the packing_list

2005-10-20 Romain
* Correct naming convention.

2005-10-13 Jérome
* added delivery_edit_workflow to reindew simulation and updateAppliedRule when necessary (FIXME: in the current implementation, I guess it reindexes more than necessary)
* added titles on workflow states
* move related keys to ERP5Catalog/sql

2005-10-13 Jérome
* added the script Delivery_setCausalityFromSimulation
* launch the invoice building when a packing list is started

2005-10-06 Seb
* Modified packing_list_interaction_workflow, when a content is modified in a packing it is better to start an activity than doing things immediatly, this increase a lot the speed to modify many cells or lines

2005-10-06 Romain
* Add print and export action on Supply Module
* add form SupplyModule_viewSupplyList
* add listbox filed in Supply_view
* add print action on Supply
* associate edit_workflow to Supply Line

2005-09-29 Seb
* change the way of calling delivery_builders in order_workflow
* fixed packing_list_workflow
* modified a transition of packing_list_causality_workflow
* SalePackingList_copyOrderProperties
* SaleOrder_selectMovement use now explanation_portal_type

2005-09-28 Jérome
* fix SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition

2005-09-28 Jérome
* Checks the validity of the order before passing transitions in order_workflow

2005-09-28 Seb
* Updated packing_list_workflow
* Added portal_type Puchase Packing List Cell

2005-09-27 Seb
* Updated packing_list_causality_worfklow

2005-09-23 Seb
* Added portal type "Sale Packing List Cell"

2005-09-12 JPS
* Added proxy security Manager to Delivery_asCellRange script

2005-09-13 Seb
* In order_workfow, start the method
build of the delivery builder with an SQLQueue activity (so we can build several deliveries)

2005-09-08 Seb
* Improved the script

2005-09-07 Jérome
move invoice related portal types from erp5_trade to erp5_accounting

2005-09-06 Romain 1.0rc13
* Remove target_quantity reference in DeliveryLine_zGetRelatedQuantity.

2005-08-29 Romain
* Remove Payment stuff in PurchaseOrder_applyPurchaseTradeCondition.

2005-08-26 Romain
* add condition object/hasCellContent to  all portal type used as a line for form *Line_view[Price|Quantity|Option].

2005-08-24 Seb
* Purchase packing list generation optimization
* modify PurchasePackingList_copyOrderProperties
* added Delivery_confirm

2005-08-22 Romain
* modify parameter in PurchaseOrder_selectMovement
* ContainerLine_asCellRange works with option variation

2005-08-19 Romain
* add auto_planned state in order_workflow

2005-08-18 Jérome
* make Organisation's jumps optional

2005-07-26 Kevin

repair PurchaseOrder_applyPurchaseTradeCondition (thanks to Mayoro)

2005-07-26 Romain

Added industrial_phase as a variation of Resource.
Modify DeliveryLine_viewPrice, DeliveryLine_viewQuantity.
Add DeliveryLine_viewIndustrialPhase, DeliveryCell_asPredicate.

2005-07-21 Romain
Modified some forms and scripts in order to make option variation working.

Option are not part of the matrix dimension (use parameter omit_option_base_category).

Display option variation with DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList, but they are not required.

Modified matrixbox_variation_category_list on DeliveryLine_viewPrice and
DeliveryLine_viewQuantity, in order not to erase option saved on cell.

2005-07-19 Mikaël
- Changed
with **kw as very last script's parameter

2005-07-10 Jérome

- Moved simulation_movement_interaction_workflow to erp5_core

2005-07-08 Romain

- Add simulation_movement_interaction_workflow from Guillaume.

2005-07-06 Seb

- Added SectionPathMovementGroup to builders

2005-06-23 Kevin

- Add InventoryLine_zGetTotal

2005-06-23 yo

- Add Supply Module, Supply, supply_module.

- Add my_resource_title into SupplyLine_view.


Added script SupplyLine_asCellRange


Fix problem in SupplyLine_asCellRange


Added script for the asPredicate method
for supply line and cells, and also
trade condition


Add base category aggregate.


Add Internal Packing List and Inventory modules.


Add permissions setting for some workflows.
Remove container workflow on Purchase Packing List.


Updated everything about Supply Lines and Cells


Modify some workflow scripts in order to index objects immediately.


Add packing list workflows.
Modify Delivery_zGetTotal.


Add causality workflows.


Modify configuration of Delivery Builder.


Add packing list workflow.


Modify security settings.


Change my_title field on all forms (name become Title, and not required anymore).
Order_zSelectMovement must use ZSQLBrain.


Add DeliveryBuilder.
Use explanation_uid in movement table.
Correct Order_zSelectMovement.


Finish some Form


Modify TradeCondition_viewPayment


Move base categories to erp5_core:

Remove base categories: