• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    gitlab/database.yml: Tweak to integrate gitlab with internal postgresql · a73d20f4
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    We tweak database.yml to point to our postgresql unix socket; set
    adapter to hardcoded postgresql, encoding to unicode and omit collation
    (which according to omnibus-gitlab is used for mysql only).
    The only instance parameter imported from omnibus is `db_pool` - how
    many connection to a DB to keep open in a RoR thread/process.
    XXX we use db's superuser as a user to connect. Is it ok to do even if
        the whole DB is used only for gitlab? (I think it is ok for the
        first iteration, but we'll probably need to refine this later)
    /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
database.yml.in 910 Bytes