Commit 14e9cd2d authored by Casey Strouse's avatar Casey Strouse

Add clozure common lisp package

Clozure CL (often called CCL for short) is a free Common Lisp implementation
with a long history. Some distinguishing features of the implementation include
fast compilation speed, native threads, a precise, generational, compacting
garbage collector, and a convenient foreign-function interface.

Intel machines have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions available. ARM machines
currently only have a 32-bit version available. 64-bit for ARM is in

Tested as working on Samsung Chromebook Plus (ARMv8).
parent c92b6302
require 'package'
class Ccl < Package
description 'Clozure CL is a fast, mature, open source Common Lisp implementation.'
homepage ''
version '1.11'
# arm only has a 32-bit build in the archive
# intel has both 32-bit and 64-bit in the archive
case ARCH
when 'aarch64', 'armv7l'
source_url ''
source_sha256 '64a1911fbe516b73964b377df360c3a40695c6155e0730a6590c67f1953a88f4'
when 'i686', 'x86_64'
source_url ''
source_sha256 '08e885e8c2bb6e4abd42b8e8e2b60f257c6929eb34b8ec87ca1ecf848fac6d70'
def self.install
system "mkdir -p #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/share/ccl"
system "mkdir -p #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/bin"
FileUtils.cp_r Dir.pwd, "#{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/share"
# the name of the repl binary and kernel image are different for each arch
case ARCH
when 'aarch64', 'armv7l'
system "ln -s #{CREW_PREFIX}/share/ccl/armcl #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/bin/ccl"
when 'i686'
system "ln -s #{CREW_PREFIX}/share/ccl/lx86cl #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/bin/ccl"
when 'x86_64'
system "ln -s #{CREW_PREFIX}/share/ccl/lx86cl64 #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/bin/ccl"
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