Commit 7b224a06 authored by Ed Reel's avatar Ed Reel

Fix crew files disk usage error

parent ba75a878
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ rescue Docopt::Exit => e
if ARGV[0] != '-h' and ARGV[0] != '--help' then
puts "Could not understand \"crew #{ARGV.join(' ')}\".".lightred
cmds = ["build", "download", "files", "help", "install", "list", "remove", "search", "update", "upgrade", "whatprovides"]
cmds = ["build", "const", "download", "files", "help", "install", "list", "postinstall", "reinstall", "remove", "search", "update", "upgrade", "whatprovides"]
# Looking for similar commands
if not cmds.include?(ARGV[0]) then
similar = {|word| edit_distance(ARGV[0], word) < 4}
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ def help (pkgName)
puts "Usage: crew whatprovides <pattern> ..."
puts "The <pattern> is a search string which can contain regular expressions."
puts "Available commands: build, const, download, files, install, list, postinstall, reinstall ,remove, search, update, upgrade, whatprovides"
puts "Available commands: build, const, download, files, help, install, list, postinstall, reinstall ,remove, search, update, upgrade, whatprovides"
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ def files (pkgName)
if File.exists? "#{filelist}"
system "sort #{filelist}"
lines = `wc -l "#{filelist}"`.strip.split(' ')[0].to_i
size = `du -ch $(cat #{filelist}) | tail -1 | cut -f 1`
size = `cat #{filelist} | xargs -I {} du -b '{}' | awk '{ print; total += $1 }; END { print total }' | numfmt --suffix B --to=si | tail -1`
puts "Total found: #{lines}".lightgreen
puts "Disk usage: #{size}".lightgreen
......@@ -546,12 +546,12 @@ def prepare_package (destdir)
compress_doc "#{destdir}#{CREW_PREFIX}/share/man"
compress_doc "#{destdir}#{CREW_PREFIX}/share/info"
# create directory list
# create file list
system "find . -type f > ../filelist"
system "find . -type l >> ../filelist"
system "cut -c2- ../filelist > filelist"
# create file list
# create directory list
system "find . -type d > ../dlist"
system "cut -c2- ../dlist > dlistcut"
system "tail -n +2 dlistcut > dlist"
# Defines common constants used in different parts of crew
CREW_VERSION = '1.2.9'
CREW_VERSION = '1.3.0'
ARCH = `uname -m`.strip
ARCH_LIB = if ARCH == 'x86_64' then 'lib64' else 'lib' end
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