Support for MessageCatalog translation domain aliases in Zope 2.12

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent b9e251fd
......@@ -35,18 +35,24 @@ try:
except ImportError:
# This dict define the alias between old Translation Service catalog id
# and new Localizer Message Catalog.
message_catalog_aliases = { "Default": "default"
, "ui" : "erp5_ui"
, "content": "erp5_content"
# "invert" message_catalog_aliases
message_catalog_alias_sources = {}
for name, value in message_catalog_aliases.items():
message_catalog_alias_sources.setdefault(value, []).append(name)
# BACK: This method is not used in Zope 2.12. Drop when we drop support for
# Zope 2.8
def Localizer_translate(self, domain, msgid, lang=None, mapping=None, *args, **kw):
This translate() method use Localizer and support catalog aliases.
# This dict define the alias between old Translation Service catalog id
# and new Localizer Message Catalog.
message_catalog_aliases = { "Default": "default"
, "ui" : "erp5_ui"
, "content": "erp5_content"
# Get the Localizer catalog id
catalog_id = message_catalog_aliases.get(domain, domain)
catalog_obj = self._getOb(catalog_id, None)
......@@ -86,6 +92,8 @@ def Localizer_translate(self, domain, msgid, lang=None, mapping=None, *args, **k
translated_str = Template(translated_str).substitute(unicode_mapping)
return translated_str
# BACK: This method is not used in Zope 2.12. Drop when we drop support for
# Zope 2.8
def GlobalTranslationService_translate(self, domain, msgid, *args, **kw):
context = kw.get('context')
if context is None:
......@@ -252,3 +260,41 @@ Localizer.Localizer._properties = _properties
Localizer.Localizer.user_defined_languages = user_defined_languages
Localizer.Localizer.get_languages_map = get_languages_map
# BACK: Can't write a configure.zcml that works on both Zope 2.8 and Zope 2.12
# So we monkeypatch the subscriber instead. When we drop support for Zope 2.8
# write a proper subscriber for MessageCatalog and IObjectMovedEvent
from Products.Localizer.MessageCatalog import (MessageCatalog_moved as
except ImportError:
pass # Zope 2.8
from zope.component import getSiteManager
from zope.i18n.interfaces import ITranslationDomain
import Products.Localizer.MessageCatalog
def MessageCatalog_moved(object, event):
Install ITranslationDomain aliases alongside the original
MessageCatalog names
MessageCatalog_moved_orig(object, event)
if event.oldParent is not None:
# unregister old aliases
oldAliases = message_catalog_alias_sources.get(event.oldName, ())
sm = getSiteManager(event.oldParent)
for alias in oldAliases:
sm.unregisterUtility(object, ITranslationDomain, alias)
if event.newParent is not None:
# register new aliases
newAliases = message_catalog_alias_sources.get(event.newName, ())
sm = getSiteManager(event.newParent)
# FIXME: install aliases only if inside an ERP5Site
# but how to do that without causing circular dependencies? ERP5Site
# needs to implement an IERP5Site interface, declared inside
# Products.ERP5Type.interfaces
for alias in newAliases:
sm.registerUtility(object, ITranslationDomain, alias)
Products.Localizer.MessageCatalog.MessageCatalog_moved = MessageCatalog_moved
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