will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit a42da4de authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

CMFActivity: Do not use offset for scanning messages to validate.

This was inefficient for two reasons:
- any message we could validate during current iteration means a message we
  did not consider is now in the range we just scanned. And it will not be
  considered until validation node starts over and scan this same range
- "LIMIT x,1000" pattern on >1000 messages causes a quick-growing number of
  extra rows scanned by the SQL database just to skip the "x" first rows:
  at 2000 rows present it must scan 1000 + 2000 = 3000 rows for a complete
  loop over all pending activities. At 3k rows it must scan 6k rows.
  At 4k, 10k.
  While this is an overestimation (some rows should be possible to
  validate, so these would be scanned once only), this overhead grows so
  large that this overestimation can become negligible.

Instead, use a range condition consistent with query's "SORT ON", which is
already efficiently materialised by an index: SQL database just has to
dive into the existing index to start just above the last message from
previous iteration, and resume scanning from there, solving both issues
listed above.
parent ea56fe72
......@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ def sqltest_dict():
_('to_date', column="date", op="<=")
_('from_date', column="date", op=">=")
_('from_priority', column="priority", op=">=")
_('above_uid', column="uid", op=">")
return sqltest_dict
sqltest_dict = sqltest_dict()
......@@ -192,19 +195,18 @@ class SQLBase(Queue):
assert len(result[0]) == 1
return result[0][0]
def _getMessageList(self, activity_tool, offset=0, count=1000, src__=0, **kw):
def _getMessageList(self, activity_tool, count=1000, src__=0, **kw):
# XXX: Because most columns have NOT NULL constraint, conditions with None
# value should be ignored, instead of trying to render them
# (with comparisons with NULL).
sql_connection = activity_tool.getPortalObject().cmf_activity_sql_connection
q = sql_connection.sql_quote__
if offset:
limit = '\nLIMIT %d,%d' % (offset, sys.maxint if count is None else count)
limit = '' if count is None else '\nLIMIT %d' % count
sql = '\n AND '.join(sqltest_dict[k](v, q) for k, v in kw.iteritems())
sql = "SELECT * FROM %s%s\nORDER BY priority, date, uid%s" % (
self.sql_table, sql and '\nWHERE ' + sql, limit)
sql and '\nWHERE ' + sql,
'' if count is None else '\nLIMIT %d' % count,
return sql if src__ else Results(sql_connection().query(sql, max_rows=0))
def getMessageList(self, *args, **kw):
......@@ -349,17 +351,15 @@ class SQLBase(Queue):
assignMessage = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLBase_assignMessage', None)
if assignMessage is None:
offset = 0
now_date = self.getNow(activity_tool)
where_kw = {
'processing_node': -1,
'to_date': now_date,
validated_count = 0
while 1:
result = self._getMessageList(
result = self._getMessageList(activity_tool, **where_kw)
if not result:
......@@ -399,7 +399,9 @@ class SQLBase(Queue):
validated_count += distributable_count
if validated_count >= MAX_VALIDATED_LIMIT:
where_kw['from_priority'] = line.priority
where_kw['from_date'] =
where_kw['above_uid'] = line.uid
def getReservedMessageList(self, activity_tool, date, processing_node,
limit=None, group_method_id=None):
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