Commit a7b1fa9a authored by Yoshinori Okuji's avatar Yoshinori Okuji

Add count_method. If not available, ListBox gets all objects as before.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 4ed89617
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
property_names = Widget.Widget.property_names +\
['lines', 'columns', 'all_columns', 'search_columns', 'sort_columns', 'sort',
'editable_columns', 'all_editable_columns', 'stat_columns', 'url_columns', 'global_attributes',
'list_method', 'stat_method', 'selection_name',
'list_method', 'count_method', 'stat_method', 'selection_name',
'meta_types', 'portal_types', 'default_params',
'search', 'select',
'domain_tree', 'domain_root_list',
......@@ -317,9 +317,16 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
count_method = fields.MethodField('count_method',
title='Count Method',
description=('The method to use to count'
stat_method = fields.MethodField('stat_method',
title='Stat Method',
description=('The method to use to count'
description=('The method to use to stat'
......@@ -495,6 +502,7 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
domain_root_list = field.get_value('domain_root_list')
report_root_list = field.get_value('report_root_list')
list_method = field.get_value('list_method')
count_method = field.get_value('count_method')
stat_method = field.get_value('stat_method')
selection_index = REQUEST.get('selection_index')
selection_name = field.get_value('selection_name')
......@@ -659,12 +667,17 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
elif not params.has_key(k):
params[k] = eval(v)
# Allow overriding list_method and stat_method by params
# Allow overriding list_method, count_method and stat_method by params
if params.has_key('list_method_id'):
list_method = getattr(here.portal_skins.local_list_method , params['list_method_id']) # Coramy specific
# list_method = list_method
if params.has_key('count_method_id'):
count_method = getattr(here.portal_skins.local_list_method , params['count_method_id']) # Coramy specific
# list_method = list_method
if params.has_key('stat_method_id'):
list_method = getattr(here.portal_skins.local_list_method , params['stat_method_id']) # Coramy specific
......@@ -767,6 +780,22 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
list_method = None
# Lookup the count_method
if hasattr(count_method, 'method_name'):
if count_method.method_name == 'portal_catalog':
# We use the catalog count results
count_method = here.portal_catalog.countResults
# Try to get the method through acquisition
count_method = getattr(here, count_method.method_name)
count_method = None
# No count method defined means that all objects must be retrieved.
count_method = None
# Lookup the stat_method
if hasattr(stat_method, 'method_name'):
if stat_method.method_name == 'objectValues':
......@@ -847,6 +876,22 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
select_expression = select_expression[:len(select_expression) - 1]
# Calculate list start temporarily
if render_format == 'list':
start = 0
start = REQUEST.get('list_start')
start = int(start)
start = params.get('list_start',0)
start = int(start)
start = max(start, 0)
# Build the report tree
......@@ -970,15 +1015,32 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
# Reset original value
selection.edit(report = None)
selection.edit( params = kw, report = None )
#LOG('ListBox 612', 0, str((selection_name, selection.__dict__)))
if list_method not in (None, ''):
object_list = selection(method = list_method, context=here, REQUEST=REQUEST)
if list_method is not None:
if count_method is not None:
#LOG('ListBox', 0, 'use count_method %r' % count_method)
# If the count method is available, get only required objects.
kw['limit'] = (start, lines)
selection.edit( params = kw, report = None )
object_list = selection(method = list_method, context=here, REQUEST=REQUEST)
del kw['limit']
selection.edit( params = kw, report = None )
count = selection(method = count_method, context=here, REQUEST=REQUEST)
object_list_len = count[0][0]
if start > object_list_len:
start = object_list_len
# For convenience, add padding into the list of objects with None.
object_list = [None] * start + list(object_list) + [None] * (object_list_len - len(object_list) - start)
selection.edit( params = kw, report = None )
object_list = selection(method = list_method, context=here, REQUEST=REQUEST)
object_list_len = len(object_list)
selection.edit( params = kw, report = None )
# If list_method is None, use already selected values.
object_list = here.portal_selections.getSelectionValueList(selection_name, context=here, REQUEST=REQUEST)
# PERFORMANCE PROBLEM ? is len(object_list) fast enough ?
object_list_len = len(object_list)
# PERFORMANCE PROBLEM ? is len(object_list) fast enough ?
object_list_len = len(object_list)
report_sections = ( (None, 0, 0, object_list, object_list_len, 0, None, None, 0), )
......@@ -1019,22 +1081,14 @@ class ListBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
for s in report_sections:
total_size += s[4]
if render_format == 'list':
start = 0
end = total_size
total_pages = 1
current_page = 0
start = REQUEST.get('list_start')
start = int(start)
start = params.get('list_start',0)
start = int(start)
end = min(start + lines, total_size)
#object_list = object_list[start:end]
total_pages = int(max(total_size-1,0) / lines) + 1
current_page = int(start / lines)
start = max(start, 0)
start = min(start, max(0, total_pages * lines - lines) )
kw['list_start'] = start
kw['list_lines'] = lines
......@@ -1906,6 +1960,7 @@ class ListBoxValidator(Validator.Validator):
if str(uid).find('new') == 0:
list_method = field.get_value('list_method')
list_method = getattr(here, list_method.method_name)
#LOG('ListBoxValidator', 0, 'call %s' % repr(list_method))
object_list = list_method(REQUEST=REQUEST, **params)
listbox = {}
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