will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit a7c5fdf6 authored by Nicolas Dumazet's avatar Nicolas Dumazet

There's no precedence for listbox cell configuration. It's a boolean AND:

isEditable(listbox "field" cell) <=>
   isEditable(listbox_field) AND ("field" in listbox.editable_columns)

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent f5ec219c
......@@ -2330,18 +2330,19 @@ class ListBoxHTMLRendererLine(ListBoxRendererLine):
display_value = original_value
enabled = editable_field.get_value('enabled', REQUEST=request)
editable = editable_field.get_value('editable', REQUEST=request)
if enabled:
# We need a way to pass the current line object (ie. brain) to the
# field which is being displayed. Since the render_view API did not
# permit this, we use the 'cell' value to pass the line object.
request.set('cell', brain)
# Listbox 'editable' configuration should take precedence over
# individual field configuration
# Field is editable only if listbox lists it in editable columns AND
# if listbox_field is editable
cell_html = editable_field.render(
editable=listbox_defines_column_as_editable and editable,
if isinstance(cell_html, str):
cell_html = unicode(cell_html, encoding)
......@@ -2351,7 +2352,7 @@ class ListBoxHTMLRendererLine(ListBoxRendererLine):
if url is None:
html = cell_html + error_message
if editable_field.get_value('editable', REQUEST=request):
if editable:
html = u'%s' % cell_html
html = u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, cell_html)
......@@ -378,34 +378,49 @@ return []
self._helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine("LinesField", True)
self._helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine("LinesField", False)
def test_09_editablePropertyPrecedence(self):
def test_09_editablePropertyConfiguration(self):
When listbox's editable column and listbox_xx's editable property
conflict, the listbox editable column choice should take over.
Test editable behavior of delegated columns.
A column is editable if and only if listbox_foo is editable AND foo is
in the editable columns of the listbox.
For example, if listbox_foo is defined as editable, without
having column "foo" listed as editable in the listbox, the field should
not be rendered as editable
self._helperEditableColumn(True, True, True)
self._helperEditableColumn(False, False, False)
self._helperEditableColumn(True, False, False)
self._helperEditableColumn(False, True, False)
def _helperEditableColumn(self, editable_in_listbox, editable_in_line,
portal = self.getPortal()
field_name = 'noneditable'
field_id = 'listbox_noneditable'
field_name = 'editableproperty_%s_%s' \
% (editable_in_listbox, editable_in_line)
field_name = field_name.lower()
field_id = 'listbox_%s' % field_name
# Reset listbox properties
listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox
kw = dict(
field_list_method = 'portal_catalog',
field_columns = ['%s | Check extra' % field_name,],
if editable_in_listbox:
kw['field_editable_columns'] = '%s | Check extra' % field_name
form = portal.FooModule_viewFooList
form.manage_addField(field_id, field_name, "StringField")
field = getattr(form, field_id)
field.values['default'] = '42'
field.values['editable'] = True
field.values['editable'] = editable_in_line
......@@ -428,7 +443,10 @@ return []
'//input[starts-with(@name, $name)]',
name='field_%s_' % field_id,
self.assertEquals(len(editable_field_list), 0)
msg = "editable_in_listbox: %s, editable_in_line: %s" \
% (editable_in_listbox, editable_in_line)
self.assertEquals(len(editable_field_list) == 1, expected_editable, msg)
def test_ObjectSupport(self):
# make sure listbox supports rendering of simple objects
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