* Default configuration file of "Node" commands (slapos node, slapos supervisor) is:
* Default configuration file of "Client" commands (slapos request, slapos supply, ...) is:
* Default log file for Node commands is /var/log/[slapos-node-software.log | slapos-node-instance.log | slapos-node-report.log]. This one requires working log in slapgrid, currently log/console is a total mess.
* Default pid file for Node commands is: /var/run/[slapos-node-software.pid | slapos-node-instance.pid | slapos-node-report.pid].
* Default SlapOS Master is http://www.vifib.net. It can be changed by altering configuration files.
General commands
Display help/usage.
SlapOS Client commands
Those commands are used by clients (as human beings or programs) to manage their own instances.
XXX Change in slaplib: allow to fetch instance params without changing anything. i.e we should do "slapos request myalreadyrequestedinstance" to fetch connection parameters without erasing previously defined instance parameters.
Like "slapos suppply", but on-demand. Software will be (re)installed only when at least one instance of this software is requested. When no instance of this software is deployed on the node, it will be uninstalled.
slapos console
Enter in a python console with slap library imported. See "Slapconsole" section to have detailed documentation.
slapos <stop|start|destroy>
slapos <stop|start|destroy> <instance reference>
Ask start/stop/destruction of selected instance.
* Ask to stop "mywordpressinstance":
slapos stop mywordpressinstance
SlapOS Node commands
This kind of commands are used to control the current SlapOS Node. Those commands are only useful for administrators of Nodes.
slapos node
Display status of Node and if not started, launch supervisor daemon.
Temporary note: equivalent of old slapgrid-supervisord + slapgrid-supervisorctl.
If login is not provided, asks for user's vifib account then password.
Node will register itself, if not already done, to the SlapOS Master defined in configuration file, and will generate SlapOS configuration file.
XXX-Cedric should be like this: If desired node name is already taken, will raise an error.
XXX-Cedric: --master-url-web url will disappear in REST API. Currently, "register" uses SlapOS master web URL to register computer, so it needs the web URL (like http://www.vifib.net)
If Node is already registered (slapos.cfg and certificate already present), issues a warning, backups original configuration and creates new one.
XXX-Cedric should check for IPv6 in selected interface
--login LOGIN Your SlapOS Master login. If not provided, asks it interactively.
--password PASSWORD Your SlapOS Master password. If not provided, asks it interactively. NOTE: giving password as parameter should be avoided for security reasons.
--interface-name INTERFACE Use interface as primary interface. IP of Partitions will be added to it. Defaults to "eth0".
--master-url URL URL of SlapOS Master REST API. defaults to "https://slap.vifib.com".
--master-url-web URL URL of SlapOS Master web access. defaults to "https://www.vifib.com".
--partition-number NUMBER Number of partitions that will have your SlapOS Node. defaults to "10".
--ipv4-local-network NETWORK Subnetwork used to assign local IPv4 addresses. It should be a not used network in order to avoid conflicts. defaults to
-t, --create-tap Will trigger creation of one virtual "tap" interface per Partition and attach it to primary interface. Requires primary interface to be a bridge. defaults to false. Needed to host virtual machines.
-n, --dry-run Don't touch to anything in the filesystem. Used to debug.
* "IPv6 interface" and "create tap" won't be put at all in the SlapOS Node configuration file if not explicitly written.
* Register computer named "mycomputer" to vifib::
slapos node register mycomputer
* Register computer named "mycomputer" to vifib using br0 as primary interface, tap0 as IPv6 interface and different local ipv4 subnet::
* Register computer named "mycomputer" to another SlapOS master accessible via https://www.myownslaposmaster.com, and SLAP webservice accessible via https://slap.myownslaposmaster.com (Note that this address should be the "slap" webservice URL, not web URL)::