Commit 49c9f629 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

slapos proxy/test: Assert integers in request/publish

parent 36698874
......@@ -616,6 +616,33 @@ class TestRequest(MasterMixin):
self.assertIsInstance(request, slapos.slap.ComputerPartition)
def test_request_with_int(self):
Verify that request with int parameters is correctly accepted
request = self.request('http://sr//', None, 'myinstance', 'slappart0',
partition_parameter_kw={'int': 1})
self.assertIsInstance(request, slapos.slap.ComputerPartition)
def test_request_set_connection_parameters_with_int(self):
Cerify that request int works in connection parameters
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partition_id = self.request('http://sr//', None, 'myinstance', 'slappart0')._partition_id
# Set connection parameter
partition = self.getPartitionInformation(partition_id)
connection_dict={'foo': 1})
# Get updated information for the partition
partition_new = self.request('http://sr//', None, 'myinstance', 'slappart0')
self.assertEqual(slave_partition.getConnectionParameter('foo'), 1)
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class TestSlaveRequest(MasterMixin):
Test requests related to slave instances.
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