Simplify resiliency workflow.

Why having wrappers of wrappers of wrappers, when we can have simple, readable code?
parent d3d577ab
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import time
import slapos
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Renamer(object):
def __init__(self, server_url, key_file, cert_file, computer_guid,
partition_id, software_release, namebase):
self.server_url = server_url
self.key_file = key_file
self.cert_file = cert_file
self.computer_guid = computer_guid
self.partition_id = partition_id
self.software_release = software_release
self.namebase = namebase
def _failover(self):
This method does
- retrieve the broken computer partition
- change its reference to 'broken-...' and its software type to 'frozen'
- retrieve the winner computer partition (attached to this process)
- change its reference to replace the broken one.
later, slapgrid will change its software_type as well.
Then, after running slapgrid-cp a few times, the winner takes over and
a new cp is created to replace it as an importer.
slap = slapos.slap.slap()
slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, self.key_file, self.cert_file)
# partition that will take over.
cp_winner = slap.registerComputerPartition(computer_guid=self.computer_guid,
# XXX although we can already rename cp_winner, to change its software type we need to
# get hold of the root cp as well
cp_exporter_ref = self.namebase + '0' # this is ok. the boss is always number zero.
# partition to be deactivated
cp_broken = cp_winner.request(software_release=self.software_release,
broken_new_ref = 'broken-{}'.format(time.strftime("%d-%b_%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()))
log.debug("Renaming {}: {}".format(cp_broken.getId(), broken_new_ref))
log.debug("Renaming {}: {}".format(cp_winner.getId(), cp_exporter_ref))
# update name (and later, software type) for the partition that will take over
cp_winner.bang(message='partitions have been renamed!')
def failover(self):
self._failover()'Renaming done')
except slapos.slap.ServerError:'Internal server error')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import time
import slapos.recipe.addresiliency.renamer
import slapos
def run(args):
renamer = slapos.recipe.addresiliency.renamer.Renamer(server_url = args.pop('server_url'),
key_file = args.pop('key_file'),
cert_file = args.pop('cert_file'),
computer_guid = args.pop('computer_id'),
partition_id = args.pop('partition_id'),
software_release = args.pop('software'),
namebase = args.pop('namebase'))
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def takeover(server_url, key_file, cert_file, computer_guid,
partition_id, software_release, namebase):
This function does
- retrieve the broken computer partition
- change its reference to 'broken-...' and its software type to 'frozen'
- retrieve the winner computer partition (attached to this process)
- change its reference to replace the broken one.
later, slapgrid will change its software_type as well.
Then, after running slapgrid-cp a few times, the winner takes over and
a new cp is created to replace it as an importer.
slap = slapos.slap.slap()
slap.initializeConnection(server_url, key_file, cert_file)
# partition that will take over.
# This script is run in the winning partition: use this one as winner
cp_winner = slap.registerComputerPartition(computer_guid=computer_guid,
# XXX although we can already rename cp_winner, to change its software type we need to
# get hold of the root cp as well
cp_exporter_ref = namebase + '0' # this is ok. the boss is always number zero.
# partition to be deactivated
cp_broken = cp_winner.request(software_release=software_release,
broken_new_ref = 'broken-{}'.format(time.strftime("%d-%b_%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()))
log.debug("Renaming {}: {}".format(cp_broken.getId(), broken_new_ref))
log.debug("Renaming {}: {}".format(cp_winner.getId(), cp_exporter_ref))
# update name (and later, software type) for the partition that will take over
cp_winner.bang(message='partitions have been renamed!')
# Note: Root instance will reconfigure itself the winning instance (software_type
# and parameters.)
def run(args):
slapos.recipe.addresiliency.renamer.Renamer(server_url = args.pop('server_url'),
key_file = args.pop('key_file'),
cert_file = args.pop('cert_file'),
computer_guid = args.pop('computer_id'),
partition_id = args.pop('partition_id'),
software_release = args.pop('software'),
namebase = args.pop('namebase'))
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