1. 27 Dec, 2017 7 commits
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    • Tristan Cavelier's avatar
    • Ayush Tiwari's avatar
      Business Template Re-export · d669fa83
      Ayush Tiwari authored
      After migration of catalog to ERP5-ified document, its better to migrate all the catalog methods (`ZSQL Method, Python Script`) to new format. This will save the 
      time during migration for developers and will reduce the chance for error during *import_in_old_format >> export_in_new_format* process.
      Some important changes during re-export:
      - Classes for new catalog methods are now defined via `portal_type`
      - Filter is now defined via properties, so no need to save their properties in `.catalog_keys.xml` file.
      /reviewed-on !518
    • Ayush Tiwari's avatar