Commit 214086cf authored by David Gibson's avatar David Gibson

Makefile: Remove unused test targets

The Makefile provides for "fast" and "full" variants of make check.
However, nothing seems to use or implement the "full" variant at all.
Further, the %.check and %.fastcheck targets are not actually used, with
other targets instead using the actual .ok tag file as the target.
Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Gibson <>
parent 996d4d12
......@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ TEST_DEPS := $(MODULES:%=%/.d)
check: $(MODULES:%=%/.ok)
fastcheck: $(MODULES:%=%/.fast.ok)
fullcheck: $(MODULES:%=%/.full.ok)
ifeq ($(strip $(filter clean config.h, $(MAKECMDGOALS))),)
......@@ -21,7 +21,3 @@ deps=$(echo `$path/info testdepends` `$path/info depends` | tr ' ' '\n' | \
echo "${module}_ok_deps := $test_srcs $module_objs $deps"
echo "$path/.ok: \$(${module}_ok_deps)"
echo "$path/.fast.ok: \$(${module}"
echo "$path/.full.ok: \$(${module}_ok_deps:%.ok=%.full.ok)"
echo "${module}.check: $path/.ok"
echo "${module}.fastcheck: $path/.fast.ok"
echo "${module}.fullcheck: $path/.full.ok"
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