Commit 88ed9bfe authored by Rusty Russell's avatar Rusty Russell

time: make timemono a first-class citizen.

Include assert checks, implement timemono_eq().
Signed-off-by: default avatarRusty Russell <>
parent b52bd763
......@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ void abort(void)
int main(void)
struct timeabs t1, t2, epoch = { { 0, 0 } };
struct timemono t1m, t2m;
struct timerel t3, t4, zero = { { 0, 0 } };
int fds[2];
/* Test time_now */
t1 = time_now();
......@@ -43,6 +44,21 @@ int main(void)
ok1(timerel_eq(t3, t3));
ok1(!timerel_eq(t3, zero));
/* Test time_mono */
t1m = time_mono();
t2m = time_mono();
ok1(!time_less_(t2m.ts, t1m.ts));
t3.ts.tv_sec = 1;
t3.ts.tv_nsec = 0;
ok1(time_less(timemono_between(t2m, t1m), t3));
ok1(time_less(timemono_since(t1m), t3));
ok1(timemono_add(t1m, t3).ts.tv_sec == t1m.ts.tv_sec + 1);
ok1(timemono_add(t2m, t3).ts.tv_nsec == t2m.ts.tv_nsec);
/* Make sure t2 > t1. */
t3.ts.tv_sec = 0;
t3.ts.tv_nsec = 1;
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ struct timemono time_mono(void)
#else /* Best we can do */
ret.ts = time_now().ts;
return ret;
return TIMEMONO_CHECK(ret);
struct timerel time_divide(struct timerel t, unsigned long div)
......@@ -128,3 +128,11 @@ struct timeabs timeabs_check(struct timeabs t, const char *abortstr)
ret.ts = time_check_(t.ts, abortstr);
return ret;
struct timemono timemono_check(struct timemono t, const char *abortstr)
struct timemono ret;
ret.ts = time_check_(t.ts, abortstr);
return ret;
......@@ -22,10 +22,13 @@ struct timespec {
timerel_check((t), __FILE__ ":" stringify(__LINE__) " (" stringify(t) ") ")
#define TIMEABS_CHECK(t) \
timeabs_check((t), __FILE__ ":" stringify(__LINE__) " (" stringify(t) ") ")
#define TIMEMONO_CHECK(t) \
timemono_check((t), __FILE__ ":" stringify(__LINE__) " (" stringify(t) ") ")
#define TIME_CHECK(t) (t)
#define TIMEREL_CHECK(t) (t)
#define TIMEABS_CHECK(t) (t)
#define TIMEMONO_CHECK(t) (t)
......@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ struct timerel timerel_check(struct timerel in, const char *abortstr);
* timeabs_check - check if an absolute time is malformed.
* @in: the relative time to check (returned)
* @in: the absolute time to check (returned)
* @abortstr: the string to print to stderr before aborting (if set).
* This can be used to make sure a time isn't negative and doesn't
......@@ -113,6 +116,26 @@ struct timerel timerel_check(struct timerel in, const char *abortstr);
struct timeabs timeabs_check(struct timeabs in, const char *abortstr);
* timemono_check - check if a monotonic time is malformed.
* @in: the monotonic time to check (returned)
* @abortstr: the string to print to stderr before aborting (if set).
* This can be used to make sure a time isn't negative and doesn't
* have a tv_nsec >= 1000000000. If it is, and @abortstr is non-NULL,
* that will be printed and abort() is called. Otherwise, if
* @abortstr is NULL then the returned timemono will be normalized and
* tv_sec set to 0 if it was negative.
* Note that if ccan/time is compiled with DEBUG, then it will call this
* for all passed and returned times.
* Example:
* printf("Now is %lu seconds since mono start\n",
* (long)timemono_check(time_mono(), "time_mono failed?").ts.tv_sec);
struct timemono timemono_check(struct timemono in, const char *abortstr);
* time_now - return the current time
......@@ -231,6 +254,32 @@ static inline bool timeabs_eq(struct timeabs a, struct timeabs b)
&& a.ts.tv_nsec == b.ts.tv_nsec;
* timemono_eq - is a equal to b?
* @a: one monotonic time.
* @b: another monotonic time.
* Example:
* #include <sys/types.h>
* #include <sys/wait.h>
* // Can we fork in under a nanosecond?
* static bool fast_fork(void)
* {
* struct timemono start = time_mono();
* if (fork() != 0) {
* exit(0);
* }
* wait(NULL);
* return timemono_eq(start, time_mono());
* }
static inline bool timemono_eq(struct timemono a, struct timemono b)
return TIMEMONO_CHECK(a).ts.tv_sec == TIMEMONO_CHECK(b).ts.tv_sec
&& a.ts.tv_nsec == b.ts.tv_nsec;
* timerel_eq - is a equal to b?
* @a: one relative time.
......@@ -328,7 +377,7 @@ static inline struct timerel timemono_since(struct timemono old)
struct timemono now = time_mono();
return timemono_between(now, old);
return timemono_between(now, TIMEMONO_CHECK(old));
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