will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit ec45ad2d authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

More changes made by lucas to improve code style

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 54bb06c4
......@@ -66,28 +66,37 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
, PropertySheet.SimpleItem
, PropertySheet.Telephone
# The country_dict is used by getRegexDict mapping
# the country number to country name
country_dict = {
'33' : 'france',
'55' : 'brazil',
'221' : 'dakar',
'64' : 'tokio'
#The notation always need to have:
#<country> or <area> or <number> or <ext>
#If uses a different tag it will be ignored.
# The notation always need to have:
# <country> or <area> or <number> or <ext>
# If uses a different tag it will be ignored.
standard_dict = {
'default' : {
"input" : "((\+|)(?P<country>[\d]*))(0)?(( |)(\(0\)|)(\(|)(?P<area>[\d]*))?((\)|)(-|)(?P<number>[\d^ ^-]*))((\/|)(?P<ext>[\d]*))",
"notation" : "+<country>(0)<area>-<number>/<ext>"
'france' : {
"input" : "((\+|)(?P<country>[\d]*))(0)?(( |)(\(0\)|)(\(|)(?P<area>[\d]*))?((\)|)(-|)(?P<number>[\d^ ^-]*))((\/|)(?P<ext>[\d]*))",
"notation" : "+<country>(0)<area>-<number>/<ext>"
'brazil' : {
"input" : "((\+|)(?P<country>[\d]*))(0)?(( |)(\(0\)|)(\(|)(?P<area>[\d]*))?((\)|)(-|)(?P<number>[\d^ ^-]*))((\/|)(?P<ext>[\d]*))",
"notation" : "+<country>(<area>)<number>/<ext>",
'dakar' : {
"input" : "((\+|)(\(|)(?P<country>[\d]*))?((\)|)(-|)(?P<number>[\d^ ^-]*))((\/|)(?P<ext>[\d]*)",
"notation" : "+<country> <number>/<ext>",
'tokio' : {
"input" : "((\+|)(?P<country>[\d]*))(0)?(( |)(\(0\)|)(\(|)(?P<area>[\d]*))?((\)|)(-|)(?P<number>[\d^ ^-]*))((\/|)(?P<ext>[\d]*))",
"notation" : "+<country>(<area>)<number>/<ext>",
......@@ -109,16 +118,16 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
#Test if coordinate_text has or not markups.
if len(coordinate_text) > len(onlynumber):
#trying to get a possible contry number to be used by script
country=re.match('((\+|)(?P<country>\d*))', \
country = re.match('((\+|)(?P<country>\d*))', \
regexdict = self.getRegexDict(index=country)
input_parser = regexdict['input']
input_parser = regexdict.get('input')
number_match = re.match(input_parser, coordinate_text)
if not number_match:
number_dict = number_match.groupdict()
number_dict = {'number' : coordinate_text}
......@@ -131,8 +140,8 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
(ext in ['', None])):
country = area = number = extension=''
#The country and area is trying to get from dict,
#but if it fails must be get from preference
# The country and area is trying to get from dict,
# but if it fails must be get from preference
country = (number_dict.get('country') or \
self.portal_preferences.getPreferredTelephoneDefaultCountryNumber() or \
......@@ -164,8 +173,8 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
telephone_number = self.getTelephoneNumber() or ''
telephone_extension = self.getTelephoneExtension() or ''
# If country, area, number, extension are blank the method
# should to return blank.
# If country, area, number, extension are blank
# the method should to return blank.
if ((telephone_country == '') and \
(telephone_area == '') and \
(telephone_number == '') and \
......@@ -173,7 +182,7 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
return ''
regexdict = self.getRegexDict(index=telephone_country)
notation = regexdict['notation']
notation = regexdict.get('notation')
if notation not in [None, '']:
......@@ -225,34 +234,29 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
# In case of index is a number
# should return a region from dict or from form field
if index not in [None,'']:
countrydict = {
#If index is not in country list
#the possible country can be found at region field
if index not in countrydict.keys():
# If index is not in country_dict
# the possible country can be found at region field
# in context or in preferences
if index not in self.country_dict.keys():
region = self.getRegion() or \
region = countrydict.get(index,'')
region = self.country_dict.get(index,'')
region = self.getRegion() or \
# Find the region in regexdict
# Find the region in standard_dict
if region is not None:
for i in regionlist:
for i in region_list:
if self.standard_dict.get(i) is not None:
region = i
# If region doesn't exist the script should to return a default regex.
# If region doesn't exist this method
# should to return a default regex.
if region not in self.standard_dict.keys() or region is None:
region = 'default'
dict = self.standard_dict.get(region)
return dict
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