• Jim Fulton's avatar
    Optionally use uvloop for clients · 6c163072
    Jim Fulton authored
    uvloop is a bit faster than the standard asyncion event loop.
    Unfortunately, there's an issue with the ZEO tests and using uvloop in
    the ZEO server:
    Fortunately, most of the performamce benefits of using uvloop seems to
    be in the client.
    For now, we'll just use ivloop on the client side, as the incremental
    effort of using it in the server aren't worth futher wrestling with
    the tests. (I spent quite a bit of time just narrowing down the cause
    of the test issue.)
    With this PR, if uvloop can be imported, it will be used for the
    client. (uvloop requires Python 3.5 or later and doesn't support Windows.)
testssl.py 12.4 KB