Commit 08703051 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

documented client cache contract

parent 7fb7b96b
......@@ -21,6 +21,71 @@ class StaleCache(object):
def __init__(self, storage): = storage
class IClientCache(zope.interface.Interface):
"""Client cache interface.
Note that caches need not be thread safe.
def close():
"""Close the cache
def load(oid):
"""Get current data for object
Returns data and serial, or None.
def store(oid, start_tid, end_tid, data):
"""Store data for the object
The start_tid is the transaction that committed this data.
The end_tid is the tid of the next transaction that modified
the objects, or None if this is the current version.
def loadBefore(oid, tid):
"""Load the data for the object last modified before the tid
Returns the data, and start and end tids.
def invalidate(oid, tid):
"""Invalidate data for the object
If ``tid`` is None, forget all knowledge of `oid`. (``tid``
can be None only for invalidations generated by startup cache
If ``tid`` isn't None, and we had current data for ``oid``,
stop believing we have current data, and mark the data we had
as being valid only up to `tid`. In all other cases, do
def getLastTid():
"""Get the last tid seen by the cache
This is the cached last tid we've seen from the server.
def setLastTid(tid):
"""Save the last tid sent by the server
def clear():
"""Clear/empty the cache
def contents():
"""Return an [oid, tid] iterator over the (current) cache contents
This is used by cache verification, which has been found to be
a bad idea.
class IServeable(zope.interface.Interface):
"""Interface provided by storages that can be served by ZEO
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