Commit fc8ad180 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Per @mgedmin, use a renormalizing pattern to fix the unicode string matchin in...

Per @mgedmin, use a renormalizing pattern to fix the unicode string matchin in Python3. Also just print the data for the storage we expect, because the missing u prefixes change the spacing when pprint nests dicts and things don't match under Python2.
parent d03566f0
......@@ -1332,21 +1332,22 @@ def test_ruok():
>>> _ = writer.write(struct.pack(">I", 4)+b"ruok")
>>> writer.close()
>>> proto = s.recv(struct.unpack(">I", s.recv(4))[0])
>>> pprint.pprint(json.loads(s.recv(struct.unpack(">I", s.recv(4))[0]).decode("ascii")))
{u'1': {u'aborts': 0,
u'active_txns': 0,
u'commits': 1,
u'conflicts': 0,
u'conflicts_resolved': 0,
u'connections': 1,
u'last-transaction': u'03ac11cd11372499',
u'loads': 1,
u'lock_time': None,
u'start': u'Sun Jan 4 09:37:03 2015',
u'stores': 1,
u'timeout-thread-is-alive': True,
u'verifying_clients': 0,
u'waiting': 0}}
>>> data = json.loads(s.recv(struct.unpack(">I", s.recv(4))[0]).decode("ascii"))
>>> pprint.pprint(data['1'])
{u'aborts': 0,
u'active_txns': 0,
u'commits': 1,
u'conflicts': 0,
u'conflicts_resolved': 0,
u'connections': 1,
u'last-transaction': u'03ac11cd11372499',
u'loads': 1,
u'lock_time': None,
u'start': u'Sun Jan 4 09:37:03 2015',
u'stores': 1,
u'timeout-thread-is-alive': True,
u'verifying_clients': 0,
u'waiting': 0}
>>> db.close(); s.close()
......@@ -1794,6 +1795,9 @@ def test_suite():
(re.compile("ZEO.Exceptions.ClientStorageError"), "ClientStorageError"),
(re.compile(r"\[Errno \d+\]"), '[Errno N]'),
(re.compile(r"loads=\d+\.\d+"), 'loads=42.42'),
# Python 3 drops the u prefix
(re.compile("u('.*?')"), r"\1"),
(re.compile('u(".*?")'), r"\1")
if not PY3:
patterns.append((re.compile("^'(blob[^']*)'"), r"b'\1'"))
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