• Jim Fulton's avatar
    Removed the feature to try to save the index periodically because: · 1c2e2768
    Jim Fulton authored
    1. The saving was performed in (tpc)_finish.  It is important that this
       method do as little as possible because it cannot fail!
    2. The algorithm for deciding how often to save was broken. For large
       databases, for which saving periodically is desireable, the period
       was set so high that the index was effectively never saved.
    It might be nice to save periodically, but doing so is tricky, since
    we really don't want to do it during commit.  Until we figure out how
    to do this right, it is better not to try.
    In the mean time, we save on close and on pack, which is proably often
    enough in most cases.
testFileStorage.py 17.7 KB