Commit 0873f280 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

*** empty log message ***

parent 2d15a306
...@@ -13,6 +13,45 @@ Zope Enterprise Objects (ZEO) Revision History ...@@ -13,6 +13,45 @@ Zope Enterprise Objects (ZEO) Revision History
will wait to connect to a storage before returning from will wait to connect to a storage before returning from
initialization. initialization.
Planned for (future) ZEO releases
New Features
- Provide optional data compression. This should enhance
performance over slow connections to the storage server and
reduce the server I/O load.
- Provide optional authentication adapters that allow for
pluggable authentication and encryption schemes.
This is a feature that is listed on the ZEO fact sheet, but
that didn't make it into the 1.0 release. Firewall or secure
tunneling techniques can be used to secure communication
between clients and the storage for now when the client and
storage are on different machines. (If they are on the same
machine, then unix-domain sockets or the loop-back interface
can be used.)
- Provide an option to start a client process without waiting
for a connection to the storage server. This was the original
intent, however, it turns out that it can be extremely
problemantic to get storage errors resulting from attempts to
read objects not in the cache during process (e.g. Zope)
startup. In addition, some smarter cache management can be
done to decrease the probability of important objects being
removed from the cache.
- Provide improved client cache management. This will involve
changes like:
o Increasing the number of cache files to reduce the number of
objects lost from the cache (or that need to be recovered)
when the cache "rolls over".
o Use separate indexes for each cache.
o use better cache indexing structures
ZEO 0.4.1 ZEO 0.4.1
Bugs fixed Bugs fixed
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