Commit 402eef70 authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Added TransactionTooLargeError which is subclassed from

StorageTransactionError.  This exception is raised when a transaction
exhausts some finite storage resource.  E.g. a transaction changing a
huge number of objects could fill a Berkeley lock table.

Also, removed some unnecessary `pass' statements, and improved
consistency in class docstrings (first line is a complete sentence).
parent 5b7836fd
......@@ -13,31 +13,29 @@
"""BoboPOS-defined exceptions
$Id:,v 1.12 2002/08/14 22:07:09 mj Exp $"""
__version__ = '$Revision: 1.12 $'.split()[-2:][0]
$Id:,v 1.13 2002/08/22 14:56:31 bwarsaw Exp $"""
__version__ = '$Revision: 1.13 $'.split()[-2:][0]
from string import join
from types import StringType, DictType
from ZODB import utils
class POSError(Exception):
"""Persistent object system error
"""Persistent object system error."""
class POSKeyError(KeyError, POSError):
"""Key not found in database
"""Key not found in database."""
def __str__(self):
return "%016x" % utils.U64(self.args[0])
class TransactionError(POSError):
"""An error occured due to normal transaction processing
"""An error occured due to normal transaction processing."""
class ConflictError(TransactionError):
"""Two transactions tried to modify the same object at once. This
transaction should be resubmitted.
"""Two transactions tried to modify the same object at once.
This transaction should be resubmitted.
Instance attributes:
oid : string
......@@ -108,9 +106,10 @@ class ConflictError(TransactionError):
class ReadConflictError(ConflictError):
"""A conflict detected at read time -- attempt to read an object
that has changed in another transaction (eg. another thread
or process).
"""A conflict was detected at read time.
An attempt was made to read an object that has changed in another
transaction (eg. another thread or process).
def __init__(self, message=None, object=None, serials=None):
if message is None:
......@@ -119,27 +118,29 @@ class ReadConflictError(ConflictError):
class BTreesConflictError(ConflictError):
"""A special subclass for BTrees conflict errors, which return
an undocumented four-tuple."""
"""A special subclass for BTrees conflict errors.
These return an undocumented four-tuple.
def __init__(self, *btree_args):
ConflictError.__init__(self, message="BTrees conflict error")
self.btree = btree_args
class VersionError(POSError):
"""An error in handling versions occurred
"""An error in handling versions occurred."""
class VersionCommitError(VersionError):
"""An invalid combination of versions was used in a version commit
"""An invalid combination of versions was used in a version commit."""
class VersionLockError(VersionError, TransactionError):
"""An attempt was made to modify an object that has
been modified in an unsaved version"""
"""Modification to an object modified in an unsaved version.
class UndoError(POSError):
"""An attempt was made to undo a non-undoable transaction.
An attempt was made to modify an object that has been modified in an
unsaved version.
class UndoError(POSError):
"""An attempt was made to undo a non-undoable transaction."""
def __init__(self, *reason):
if len(reason) == 1: reason=reason[0]
......@@ -162,37 +163,31 @@ class UndoError(POSError):
class StorageError(POSError):
"""Base class for storage based exceptions."""
class StorageTransactionError(StorageError):
"""An operation was invoked for an invalid transaction or state
"""An operation was invoked for an invalid transaction or state."""
class StorageSystemError(StorageError):
"""Panic! Internal storage error!
"""Panic! Internal storage error!"""
class MountedStorageError(StorageError):
"""Unable to access mounted storage.
"""Unable to access mounted storage."""
class ReadOnlyError(StorageError):
"""Unable to modify objects in a read-only storage.
"""Unable to modify objects in a read-only storage."""
class TransactionTooLargeError(StorageTransactionError):
"""The transaction exhausted some finite storage resource."""
class ExportError(POSError):
"""An export file doesn't have the right format.
"""An export file doesn't have the right format."""
class Unimplemented(POSError):
"""An unimplemented feature was used
"""An unimplemented feature was used."""
class Unsupported(POSError):
"""An feature that is unsupported bt the storage was used.
"""An feature that is unsupported bt the storage was used."""
class InvalidObjectReference(POSError):
"""An object contains an invalid reference to another object.
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