Commit 589f327a authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Call _p_resolveConflict() even if a conflicting change doesn't change the state

This reverts to the behaviour of 3.10.3 and older.

(cherry picked from commit b74eef76)

parent 64f3b58f
......@@ -244,13 +244,6 @@ def tryToResolveConflict(self, oid, committedSerial, oldSerial, newpickle,
if not committedData:
committedData = self.loadSerial(oid, committedSerial)
if newpickle == oldData:
# old -> new diff is empty, so merge is trivial
return committedData
if committedData == oldData:
# old -> committed diff is empty, so merge is trivial
return newpickle
newstate = unpickler.load()
old = state(self, oid, oldSerial, prfactory, oldData)
committed = state(self, oid, committedSerial, prfactory, committedData)
......@@ -39,7 +39,16 @@ def tearDown(test):
class ResolveableWhenStateDoesNotChange(persistent.Persistent):
def _p_resolveConflict(old, committed, new):
def _p_resolveConflict(self, old, committed, new):
if new == old:
# old -> new diff is empty, so merge is trivial
committed['resolved'] = 'committed'
return committed
elif committed == old:
# old -> committed diff is empty, so merge is trivial
new['resolved'] = 'new'
return new
# 3-way merge
raise ZODB.POSException.ConflictError
class Unresolvable(persistent.Persistent):
......@@ -47,8 +56,17 @@ class Unresolvable(persistent.Persistent):
def succeed_with_resolution_when_state_is_unchanged():
If a conflicting change doesn't change the state, then don't even
bother calling _p_resolveConflict
If a conflicting change doesn't change the state, then we must still call
_p_resolveConflict, even if in most cases the result would be either
committed or new (as shown above in ResolveableWhenStateDoesNotChange).
One use case is to implement an "asynchronous" cache:
- Initially, a cache value is not filled (e.g. None is used to describe
this state).
- A transaction fills the cache (actually done by a background application)
(None -> "foo").
- A concurrent transaction invalidates the cache due to some user action
(None -> None), and pushes a new background task to fill the cache.
Then the expected resolved value is None, and not "foo".
>>> db = ZODB.DB('t.fs') # FileStorage!
>>> storage =
......@@ -63,23 +81,23 @@ def succeed_with_resolution_when_state_is_unchanged():
>>> oid = conn.root.x._p_oid
So, let's try resolving when the old and committed states are the same
bit the new state (pickle) is different:
but the new state (pickle) is different:
>>> p = storage.tryToResolveConflict(
... oid, serial1, serial1, storage.loadSerial(oid, serial2))
>>> p == storage.loadSerial(oid, serial2)
>>> conn._reader.getState(p)['resolved']
And when the old and new states are the same bit the committed state
And when the old and new states are the same but the committed state
is different:
>>> p = storage.tryToResolveConflict(
... oid, serial2, serial1, storage.loadSerial(oid, serial1))
>>> p == storage.loadSerial(oid, serial2)
>>> conn._reader.getState(p)['resolved']
But we still conflict if both the committed and new are different than
the original:
......@@ -92,7 +110,9 @@ the original:
ConflictError: database conflict error (oid 0x01, ...
Of course, none of this applies if content doesn't support conflict resolution.
Of course, there's also no automatic trivial merge if content doesn't support
conflict resolution. Touching an object without change is a common locking
>>> conn.root.y = Unresolvable()
>>> conn.root.y.v = 1
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