Commit 3072bce2 authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Doc update.

parent d839fc55
......@@ -420,8 +420,14 @@ In order to recover its routes as promptly as possible, a node that has
lost all feasible routes to a given destination broadcasts a request for
a new sequence number. Any neighbouring node that can satisfy the request
responds with an update; a node that cannot satisfy the request but has
a feasible route to the requested source forwards the request to its next
hop for the given source as a unicast packet.
a route (feasible or not) to the requested source forwards the request to
a suitable next hop for the given source as a unicast packet.
Since the request forwarding mechanism does not obey the feasibility
condition, it may get caught into routing loops; hence, requests carry
a hop count to limit their propagation. However, since requests are only
ever forwarded as unicast packets, the maximum hop count need not be kept
particularly low.
A node MAY also send a broadcast or unicast request under other
circumstances. We notably recommend sending a broadcast request when the
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