Commit 6773e462 authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Advertise route channels.

parent b1ab7aa6
......@@ -710,11 +710,15 @@ static void
really_send_update(struct network *net,
const unsigned char *id,
const unsigned char *prefix, unsigned char plen,
unsigned short seqno, unsigned short metric)
unsigned short seqno, unsigned short metric,
unsigned char *channels, int channels_len)
int add_metric, v4, real_plen, omit = 0;
const unsigned char *real_prefix;
unsigned short flags = 0;
int channels_size =
diversity_kind == DIVERSITY_CHANNEL && channels_len >= 0 ?
channels_len + 2 : 0;
......@@ -770,7 +774,8 @@ really_send_update(struct network *net,
net->have_buffered_id = 1;
start_message(net, MESSAGE_UPDATE, 10 + (real_plen + 7) / 8 - omit);
start_message(net, MESSAGE_UPDATE, 10 + (real_plen + 7) / 8 - omit +
accumulate_byte(net, v4 ? 1 : 2);
accumulate_byte(net, flags);
accumulate_byte(net, real_plen);
......@@ -779,7 +784,14 @@ really_send_update(struct network *net,
accumulate_short(net, seqno);
accumulate_short(net, metric);
accumulate_bytes(net, real_prefix + omit, (real_plen + 7) / 8 - omit);
end_message(net, MESSAGE_UPDATE, 10 + (real_plen + 7) / 8 - omit);
/* Note that an empty channels TLV is different from no such TLV. */
if(channels_len >= 0) {
accumulate_byte(net, 2);
accumulate_byte(net, channels_len);
accumulate_bytes(net, channels, channels_len);
end_message(net, MESSAGE_UPDATE, 10 + (real_plen + 7) / 8 - omit +
if(flags & 0x80) {
memcpy(net->buffered_prefix, prefix, 16);
......@@ -884,10 +896,13 @@ flushupdates(struct network *net)
if(xroute && (!route || xroute->metric <= kernel_metric)) {
really_send_update(net, myid,
xroute->prefix, xroute->plen,
myseqno, xroute->metric);
myseqno, xroute->metric,
NULL, 0);
last_prefix = xroute->prefix;
last_plen = xroute->plen;
} else if(route) {
unsigned char channels[DIVERSITY_HOPS];
int channels_len;
seqno = route->seqno;
metric = route_metric(route);
if(metric < INFINITY)
......@@ -903,10 +918,14 @@ flushupdates(struct network *net)
(diversity_factor * route->cost / + 128) / 256 +
channels[0] = net->channel;
memcpy(channels + 1, route->channels, DIVERSITY_HOPS - 1);
channels_len = strnlen((char*)channels, DIVERSITY_HOPS);
really_send_update(net, route->src->id,
seqno, metric);
seqno, metric,
channels, channels_len);
update_source(route->src, seqno, metric);
last_prefix = route->src->prefix;
last_plen = route->src->plen;
......@@ -914,7 +933,7 @@ flushupdates(struct network *net)
/* There's no route for this prefix. This can happen shortly
after an xroute has been retracted, so send a retraction. */
really_send_update(net, myid, b[i].prefix, b[i].plen,
myseqno, INFINITY);
myseqno, INFINITY, NULL, -1);
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