Commit 854f7ff6 authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Only allow some config directives at runtime.

Many of the directives don't make sense after startup.
parent 280d1cd3
......@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ struct filter *redistribute_filters = NULL;
struct filter *install_filters = NULL;
struct interface_conf *default_interface_conf = NULL;
struct interface_conf *interface_confs = NULL;
/* This indicates whether initial configuration is done. See
finalize_config below. */
int config_finalised = 0;
/* This file implements a recursive descent parser with one character
......@@ -709,6 +713,19 @@ flush_ifconf(struct interface_conf *if_conf)
static int
parse_option(int c, gnc_t gnc, void *closure, char *token)
/* These are the only options that are allowed at runtime, either
because they require no special setup or because there is special
case code for them. */
if(config_finalised) {
if(strcmp(token, "keep-unfeasible") != 0 &&
strcmp(token, "link-detect") != 0 &&
strcmp(token, "log-file") != 0 &&
strcmp(token, "diversity") != 0 &&
strcmp(token, "diversity-factor") != 0 &&
strcmp(token, "smoothing-half-life") != 0)
goto error;
if(strcmp(token, "protocol-port") == 0 ||
strcmp(token, "kernel-priority") == 0 ||
strcmp(token, "allow-duplicates") == 0 ||
......@@ -789,9 +806,11 @@ parse_option(int c, gnc_t gnc, void *closure, char *token)
goto error;
if(strcmp(token, "state-file") == 0)
state_file = file;
else if(strcmp(token, "log-file") == 0)
else if(strcmp(token, "log-file") == 0) {
logfile = file;
else if(strcmp(token, "pid-file") == 0)
} else if(strcmp(token, "pid-file") == 0)
pidfile = file;
else if(strcmp(token, "local-path") == 0) {
local_server_port = -1;
......@@ -917,24 +936,32 @@ parse_config_line(int c, gnc_t gnc, void *closure,
goto fail;
} else if(strcmp(token, "in") == 0) {
struct filter *filter;
goto fail;
c = parse_filter(c, gnc, closure, &filter);
if(c < -1)
goto fail;
add_filter(filter, &input_filters);
} else if(strcmp(token, "out") == 0) {
struct filter *filter;
goto fail;
c = parse_filter(c, gnc, closure, &filter);
if(c < -1)
goto fail;
add_filter(filter, &output_filters);
} else if(strcmp(token, "redistribute") == 0) {
struct filter *filter;
goto fail;
c = parse_filter(c, gnc, closure, &filter);
if(c < -1)
goto fail;
add_filter(filter, &redistribute_filters);
} else if(strcmp(token, "install") == 0) {
struct filter *filter;
goto fail;
c = parse_filter(c, gnc, closure, &filter);
if(c < -1)
goto fail;
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